Novena for Healing

Please help me to find a new job for me. Thank you

Please help me to find a new job for me. Thank youPlease help me to find a new job for me. Thank you
7 joined
Feb 9 - 17
Created byJessie Casiño
I sincerely ask God to get inside my heart, mind, and soul. Am asking forgiveness for what have done wrong doings. With this campaign, Am at peace of mind free from everything. Love to work with god sincerely.
10 sessions prayed
9 sessions
    Feb9God Hears UsIn this Novena, we will ask God for the healing of ourselves and our loved ones. We will begin with a Scripture reading (1 John 5:14-15) and a prayer to Jesus. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb10In His PresenceToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from Luke 5:17-20. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb11Nothing Will Be ImpossibleToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from Matthew 17:20. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb12Be Made CleanToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from Luke 5:12-13. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb13Tassel On His CloakToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from Matthew 9:20-22. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb14Prayer & PetitionToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from Philippians 4:6-7. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb15By His WoundsToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from 1 Peter 2:24. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb16Blood & WaterToday we’ll begin with a Scripture reading from John 19:33-35. We’ll continue into our Prayer to Jesus and have a moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie
    Feb17Rejoice AlwaysWe’ll conclude our Novena today with a Scripture reading from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. We’ll continue into our prayer to Jesus and moment for personal prayer. Then we'll conclude with either the Lord's Prayer or the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus.Jonathan Roumie