Find rest tonight with this 4-hour collection of stories from the life of Jesus. This praylist includes some of our favorite Bible Stories from readers like Jonathan Roumie, Jim Caviezel, and Chika Anyanwu.
9 sessions
1The BeatitudesJonathan Roumie, who plays Jesus on The Chosen, reads Jesus's famous sermon from the Gospel of Matthew, chapters 5 - 9.Jonathan Roumie40 min
2Dying & RisingRest in the security of God's love as you listen to a powerful reading of Christ's passion and resurrection by Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Jesus in The Passion of the Christ.Jim Caviezel32 min
3Women in ScripturePrepare for rest tonight with these inspiring stories about women in Scripture read by Lisa Cotter, a Catholic speaker and author. The stories include passages from the Gospels and Book of Proverbs.Lisa Cotter46 min
4The Last SupperFr. Josh Johnson, a Catholic priest and host of the podcast "Ask Fr. Josh", prayerfully reads the Last Supper discourses from the Gospel of John.Fr. Josh Johnson23 min
5Prodigal SonFind rest tonight as singer-songwriter Amanda Vernon and Fr. Matt Fase, CSC read the parable of the Prodigal Son and other stories from the Gospel of Luke.Amanda Vernon & Fr. Matt Fase, CSC41 min
6LazarusBobby Angel, a Catholic speaker, teacher, and writer prayefully reads the story of the raising of Lazarus. Place yourself in the scene tonight as you listen.Bobby Angel15 min
7Bread of LifeFind rest in words of eternal life as you listen to Bishop Andrew Cozzens prayerfully read the Bread of Life Discourse from John 6.Bishop Cozzens8 min
8Woman at the WellChris Stefanick, a Catholic speaker and author, prayerfully reads stories from Jesus' ministry, including his encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.Chris Stefanick17 min
9The NativityFind rest in Jesus tonight as you listen to the story of his birth (Luke 1:26-2:20) read by one of our Hallow guides.Abby15 min