Gospel of Matthew
Gospel of Matthew
This Gospel is traditionally attributed to St. Matthew, the tax-collector turned Apostle. With over 100 references to the Old Testament, the Gospel of Matthew was written to demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah, the Savior. We are using the NABRE translation.
29 sessions
    1Gospel of MatthewListen and pray with the entire Gospel of Matthew, read by Jonathan Roumie.Chapters 1-28166 min
    2Chapter 1The Gospel of Matthew begins with the Infancy Narrative: a record of the genealogy of Jesus and how the birth of Jesus came to be about.Gospel of Matthew4 min
    3Chapter 2Chapter 2 continues the Infancy Narrative as we witness the visit of the Magi and the Holy Family's flight into Egypt.Gospel of Matthew4 min
    4Chapter 3We skip ahead 30 years and experience John the Baptist's preaching and Jesus' baptism.Gospel of Matthew3 min
    5Chapter 4Before Jesus begins his public ministry, he is first tempted in the desert. Then, he begins to call his disciples, preach, and heal.Gospel of Matthew4 min
    6Chapter 5In chapter 5, Jesus begins his Sermon on the Mount, which will last through Chapter 7.Gospel of Matthew8 min
    7Chapter 6Jesus continues the Sermon on the Mount with more teachings, including the Lord's Prayer.Gospel of Matthew5 min
    8Chapter 7Jesus finishes his famous Sermon on the Mount, astonishing the crowds with his teachings.Gospel of Matthew4 min
    9Chapter 8Today, enter into the third section of Matthew's gospel: Jesus' ministry in Galilee, which will continue through chapter 10. Gospel of Matthew5 min
    10Chapter 9Jesus continues to amaze people with his healing power and great compassion.Gospel of Matthew6 min
    11Chapter 10In this chapter, Jesus sends forth his disciples to spread the Good News.Gospel of Matthew6 min
    12Chapter 11We begin to see hints of opposition against Jesus, and he delivers his famous call: "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest."Gospel of Matthew5 min
    13Chapter 12Opposition against Jesus' ministry builds as he heals on the Sabbath and challenges people to open their hearts and minds to who God is.Gospel of Matthew8 min
    14Chapter 13Chapter 13 is full of parables from Jesus - seemingly simple stories that reveal great truths about life, discipleship, and God.Gospel of Matthew9 min
    15Chapter 14This chapter begins with the death of John the Baptist and Jesus feeding 5,000 people. After performing this miracle, we witness Jesus walking on water.Gospel of Matthew5 min
    16Chapter 15In this chapter, Jesus continues to heal and teach, and we witness Jesus perform the miracle of multiplying bread to feed a crowd of over 4,000 people. Gospel of Matthew5 min
    17Chapter 16In Chapter 16 we reach a climax in our journey of understanding who Jesus is: he is not just a prophet, not just a healer - he is the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Gospel of Matthew5 min
    18Chapter 17In Chapter 17, we witness Jesus' transfiguration and he again foreshadows his death that is to come.Gospel of Matthew5 min
    19Chapter 18Jesus again teaches in parables, describing the loving heart of God as a good shepherd who never leaves a single sheep behind.Gospel of Matthew6 min
    20Chapter 19This chapter begins the next section in the Gospel of Matthew, in which we experience Jesus' ministry in Judea, and follow him to Jerusalem.Gospel of Matthew5 min
    21Chapter 20Chapter 20 contains a challenging parable, Jesus again predicting his death, revealing the servant heart of God, and healing two blind men.Gospel of Matthew5 min
    22Chapter 21In Chapter 21, Jesus enters triumphantly into Jerusalem. He overturns the tables in the temple and delivers challenging teachings. The chief priests and the Pharisees begin to plot how to kill him.Gospel of Matthew8 min
    23Chapter 22This chapter is full of Jesus' teachings, including the Greatest Commandment. Gospel of Matthew6 min
    24Chapter 23In this chapter of Matthew, the conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders reaches a climax. Gospel of Matthew6 min
    25Chapter 24In the final week before his suffering, death, and resurrection, Jesus preaches on the end times and the coming of Son of Man. Gospel of Matthew7 min
    26Chapter 25This chapter contains three famous parables in which Jesus entreats his disciples to live lives of great compassion, using the gifts given to them from God.Gospel of Matthew7 min
    27Chapter 26Chapter 26 begins the final section of the Gospel of Matthew: Jesus' passion and resurrection. In this chapter, we witness the last supper, the agony in the garden, his arrest, and Peter's denial.Gospel of Matthew12 min
    28Chapter 27Chapter 27 shows us Jesus put on trial, mocked, and crowned with thorns. We see Jesus carry the cross and stand in sorrow as he takes his final breath.Gospel of Matthew10 min
    29Chapter 28In this final chapter of Matthew, we witness the miracle of all miracles - Jesus' resurrection! Jesus then sends forth his disciples - sends forth us! - into the world to share the Good News.Gospel of Matthew3 min