Gospel of Luke
Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of Luke is believed to have been written by a co-worker of St. Paul, and continues with the Book of Acts. Luke states that he is writing to show how Jesus is the fulfillment of salvation history. We are using the NABRE translation.
25 sessions
    1Gospel of LukeListen and pray with the entire Gospel of Luke read aloud by Jonathan Roumie.Chapters 1-24191 min
    2Chapter 1The first chapter Gospel of Luke is full of scenes announcing that God is coming into the world, with parallel stories of St. John the Baptist and Jesus.Gospel of Luke12 min
    3Chapter 2In this chapter, we witness scenes from Jesus' childhood: his humble birth, the shepherds visit, his presentation in the temple, and his parents finding him among the teachers in the temple.Gospel of Luke8 min
    4Chapter 3In chapter 3 we hear John the Baptist preaching and experience Jesus' baptism. Then Luke details Jesus' genealogy, tracing it all the way back to Adam to demonstrate that Jesus came for all humankind.Gospel of Luke7 min
    5Chapter 4Chapter 4 begins with Jesus being tempted in the desert and then beginning his ministry of healing and teaching throughout Galilee.Gospel of Luke7 min
    6Chapter 5In this chapter, Jesus begins to call his disciples and perform miraculous healings.Gospel of Luke7 min
    7Chapter 6In this chapter, we hear Jesus' Sermon on the Plain, in which he teaches the Beatitudes and to be merciful as God is merciful.Gospel of Luke9 min
    8Chapter 7Jesus heals both physical and spiritual ailments in this chapter. Gospel of Luke9 min
    9Chapter 8In this rich chapter, we hear Jesus teach in parables, heal, and calm the stormy sea.Gospel of Luke11 min
    10Chapter 9Chapter 9 reveals the fullness of who Jesus is, culminating in his Transfiguration.Gospel of Luke11 min
    11Chapter 10Jesus sends forth his disciples to preach the Good News, and teaches the Parable of the Good Samaritan.Gospel of Luke7 min
    12Chapter 11Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray and denounces the Pharisees and scholars of the law.Gospel of Luke9 min
    13Chapter 12This chapter is full of Jesus' teachings and parables, as he instructs his followers in how to live a life for God.Gospel of Luke10 min
    14Chapter 13Jesus continues to teach and to heal, revealing the nature of the Kingdom of God.Gospel of Luke6 min
    15Chapter 14Among his teachings in this chapter, Jesus describes the cost of discipleship.Gospel of Luke6 min
    16Chapter 15Chapter 15 contains three beautiful parables revealing the love God has for each of his children.Gospel of Luke6 min
    17Chapter 16In this chapter, Jesus continues to teach through parables, including the story of Lazarus and the rich man. Gospel of Luke6 min
    18Chapter 17Jesus continues to teach, and heals 10 lepers.Gospel of Luke6 min
    19Chapter 18This chapter begins with two parables that Jesus uses to teach us how to pray.Gospel of Luke7 min
    20Chapter 19After calling Zacchaeus and teaching the Parable of the Ten Gold Coins, Jesus enters Jerusalem.Gospel of Luke7 min
    21Chapter 20In this chapter, Jesus teaches on paying taxes and life after death, and criticizes the religious leaders.Gospel of Luke7 min
    22Chapter 21Jesus teaches of the end times, entreating his followers to be vigilant and ready.Gospel of Luke6 min
    23Chapter 22Chapter 22 begins Jesus' suffering before his death. We witness the last supper, the agony in the garden, Jesus' arrest, and Peter's denial.Gospel of Luke11 min
    24Chapter 23In this chapter, we sorrowfully witness Jesus' trial, the way of the cross, and his death.Gospel of Luke9 min
    25Chapter 24In the final chapter of Luke, we joyfully experience Jesus' resurrection! We hear the incredible story of Jesus meeting the two disciples on the road to Emmaus and Jesus' Ascension into heaven.Gospel of Luke7 min