Standing apart from the other three Gospels, the Gospel of John is highly theological and symbolic. It is believed to have been written around 90 AD by the "beloved disciple." We are using the NABRE translation.
22 sessions
1Gospel of JohnListen and pray with the entire Gospel of John read by Jonathan Roumie.Chapters 1-21147 min
2Chapter 1The Gospel of John begins with a famous prologue about Jesus, the Word of God. We then see the beginning of Jesus' ministry with the testimony of John the Baptist and the call of the first disciples.Gospel of John8 min
3Chapter 2In chapter 2, we witness Jesus' miracle of changing water into wine at the wedding of Cana.Gospel of John4 min
4Chapter 3Jesus talks with Nicodemus and delivers his famous teaching: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."Gospel of John6 min
5Chapter 4In this chapter, Jesus brings the Good News to the Samaritans and reveals that he is the Messiah.Gospel of John8 min
6Chapter 5In chapter 5, we witness Jesus as both healer and teacher.Gospel of John7 min
7Chapter 6Chapter 6 is full of incredible scenes: Jesus feeding the 5,000, walking on water, and the Bread of Life discourse.Gospel of John11 min
8Chapter 7Chapter 7 displays the growing tension among the Jewish people and religious leaders at the way Jesus is teaching.Gospel of John7 min
9Chapter 8This chapter begins with a moving scene of God's mercy.Gospel of John10 min
10Chapter 9In this chapter, Jesus heals a blind man and discusses the need for spiritual healing as well.Gospel of John7 min
11Chapter 10Chapter 10 contains Jesus' beautiful declaration that he is the Good Shepherd.Gospel of John6 min
12Chapter 11In this chapter, we witness the incredible miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.Gospel of John9 min
13Chapter 12Chapter 12 begins as Mary anoints Jesus with oil before he enters Jerusalem in glory. He predicts his death that is to come soon.Gospel of John8 min
14Chapter 13Chapter 13 contains the moving image of Christ washing his disciples' feet, as he begins his Farewell Discourse that will last through chapter 17.Gospel of John7 min
15Chapter 14In this chapter, Jesus offers comforting words to his disciples on the eve of his passion and death.Gospel of John6 min
16Chapter 15Jesus continues to comfort and teach his disciples. He describes himself as the vine, his followers as the branches and reveals that he will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, to be with them.Gospel of John5 min
17Chapter 16Continuing to speak to his disciples, Jesus encourages them to have faith in him, and to have peace, knowing that their mourning will be turned into joy.Gospel of John6 min
18Chapter 17Chapter 17 is referred to as Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, in which Jesus prays for the Church.Gospel of John5 min
19Chapter 18Jesus is betrayed and arrested. We hear Peter's denials and witness Jesus before Pilate.Gospel of John7 min
20Chapter 19We stand in sorrow as we witness Jesus die on the cross.Gospel of John8 min
21Chapter 20Chapter 20 begins with the disciples' confusion as the tomb is found empty. We then witness the joy of Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene, the disciples, and Thomas.Gospel of John6 min
22Chapter 21The Gospel of John concludes with Jesus appearing to the disciples as they fish, sharing a meal with them, and telling Peter to care for his sheep.Gospel of John5 min