Stress & Anxiety
Stress & Anxiety
Understand what Mental Health means for Christians and learn how to find peace in prayer with licensed therapist Regina Boyd, LMHC.
7 sessions
    1Overview of Mental HealthReflect on the importance of mental wellness and what it means to be mentally healthy in this reflection from Regina Boyd, LMHC.Exploring Wellness13 min
    2Being Mentally HealthyUnderstand how stress and anxiety can impact our lives in various ways in this reflection from Regina Boyd, LMHC.Stress & Anxiety in Everyday Life8 min
    3Living in the Present MomentMeditate with a grounding exercise and invite God into your life through this session led by Regina Boyd, LMHC.Ground Yourself in God15 min
    4Being Your Own Best CoachReflect on your inner voice, and become your own best coach by rewriting negative scripts in this exercise led by Regina Boyd, LMHC.Building Positive Self-Talk14 min
    5The Serenity PrayerPray for peace in times of stress in this meditation on the Serenity prayer led by Regina Boyd, LMHC.Finding Peace in Times of Stress16 min
    6Seizing the DayReflect on St. Thomas Aquinas' prayer for a well-ordered day and design your own best day in this exercise led by Regina Boyd, LMHC.Carpe Diem14 min
    7Embracing UncertaintyReflect on Scripture and ask God for strength in times of stress and uncertainty in this meditation written by Regina Boyd, LMHC.Do Not Worry About Your Life17 min