Congratulations on completing the section on the Maccabean Revolt! We now come to our last "Messianic Checkpoint" with the Gospel according to Luke. Read and reflect on the story of Jesus as we continue to dive into the Bible with Fr. Mike Schmitz.
10 sessions
1Intro to LukeJeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to introduce the Gospel of Luke and explain what makes this gospel unique.Messianic Checkpoint 4: Begin Here34 min
2Day 313: The New ArkHe clarifies the difference between Zechariah's response and Mary's response to the angel Gabriel.Nov 9: Luke 1-2; Proverbs 25:24-2627 min
3Day 314: My Beloved SonLearn more at: - Fr. Mike elaborates on the significance of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River.Nov 10: Luke 3-5; Proverbs 25:27-2828 min
4Day 315: The Virtue of MercyLearn more at: - In light of a series of miracles in our readings for today, Fr. Mike focuses on our Lord’s compassion and our call to be merciful, as he is.Nov 11: Luke 6-8; Proverbs 26:1-329 min
5Day 316: Absolute SurrenderLearn more at: - Fr. Mike discusses our call to deny ourselves and take up our cross, focusing on God’s call to renounce all that is ours and trust in him.Nov 12: Luke 9-10; Proverbs 26:4-624 min
6Day 317: Persistence in PrayerLearn more at: - Fr. Mike reflects on the goodness and providence of God the Father, emphasizing how Jesus calls us to be shamelessly persistent in prayer.Nov 13: Luke 11-12; Proverbs 26:7-927 min
7Day 318: The Narrow GateLearn more at: - Fr. Mike confronts the hard truth Jesus preaches in today's readings: Many people will ultimately choose hell over heaven.Nov 14: Luke 13-16; Proverbs 26:10-1234 min
8Day 319: Come, Follow MeLearn more at: - Fr. Mike compares the story of the rich young man to the story of Zacchaeus, highlighting the difference in their willingness to follow Christ.Nov 15: Luke 17-19; Proverbs 26:13-1624 min
9Day 320: Peter's DenialLearn more at: - Fr. Mike expands on the story of the poor widow’s offering, that the Lord cares more about the size of our hearts than the size of our gifts.Nov 16: Luke 20-22:38; Proverbs 26:17-1923 min
10Day 321: Jesus' PrayerLearn more at: - Fr. Mike highlights how Jesus didn't pray in order get something from God, he prayed in order to be close to God.Nov 17: Luke 22:39-24; Proverbs 26:20-2327 min