Patrick Lenk mistura o canto tradicional com a música instrumental moderna para criar experiências profundas de oração. Perfeitos para dormir, focar, ou para ajudar na oração meditativa, deixe esses cantos elevarem seu coração e sua mente a Deus.
10 sessions
1O Filii Et FiliaeListen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Latin chant, inspired by the Resurrection and composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant8 min
2Signum MagnumListen and pray with a reimagined version of this chant by Patrick Lenk. The text is inspired by The Book of Revelation chapter 12.Patrick Lenk: Chant9 min
3Salve ReginaListen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Marian chant composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant4 min
4Miserere Mei (Psalm 51)Listen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Latin chant composed by Patrick Lenk. The text is based on Psalm 51.Patrick Lenk: Chant9 min
5Pange LinguaListen and pray with a reimagined version of this Eucharistic chant composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant5 min
6Jesus Prayer (Latin)Listen and pray with a reimagined chant version of this traditional prayer composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant6 min
7Lux Et Origo CredoListen and pray with a meditative chant setting of the Nicene Creed composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant6 min
8Asperges MeListen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Latin chant composed by Patrick Lenk. The text is inspired by Psalm 50.Patrick Lenk: Chant6 min
9Dies IraeListen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Latin sequence composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant8 min
10Kyrie Eleison (Orbis Factor)Listen and pray with a reimagined version of this traditional Latin prayer composed by Patrick Lenk.Patrick Lenk: Chant8 min