A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Join Dr. Edward Sri as he looks at the meaning behind the Mass. This Hallow Course explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in the Liturgy and explains their profound significance.
8 sessions
    1Sign of The CrossIn session 1, Dr. Sri looks at the meaning behind the most foundational act of Christian worship, the Sign of the Cross.Dr. Edward Sri16 min
    2Lord, Have MercyIn session 2, Dr. Sri examines the foundations of asking for forgiveness in the Kyrie.Dr. Edward Sri12 min
    3Liturgy of the WordIn session 3, Dr. Sri looks at the Liturgy of the Word. What are the meanings behind the various readings at Mass and how do they relate to one another?Dr. Edward Sri13 min
    4CreedIn session 4, Dr. Sri looks at the proclamation of the Creed – one of the most important prayers said each week.Dr. Edward Sri10 min
    5Lift Up Your HeartsIn session 5, Dr. Sri examines how we prepare for the Eucharist and the meaning behind prayers used by early Christians that we still use today.Dr. Edward Sri11 min
    6This Is My BodyIn session 6, Dr. Sri presents the deep meaning behind Jesus’ sacrifice and it’s connection to the Eucharist.Dr. Edward Sri15 min
    7The Wedding Supper of The LambIn session 7, Dr. Sri looks at the meaning behind the Lamb of God and its meaning in the past, in heaven, and to us today.Dr. Edward Sri13 min
    8I Am Not WorthyIn session 8, Dr. Sri examines the Biblical background for our reception of the Eucharist.Dr. Edward Sri16 min