Welcome to the Examinations Praylist. In this collection, you'll find a variety of themed prayers to help you examine your conscience and reflect on where you're in need of God's mercy and grace. These sessions can be used to help you prepare for Confession, or the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
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1The BeatitudesIn this examination, we'll use the Beatitudes from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as our guide, and take note of how we are in need of God's mercy and grace.Examination of Conscience7-15 min
2The Greatest CommandmentsJesus proclaimed the two greatest commandments: love God and love our neighbors. In this examination of conscience, we'll reflect on where we have fallen short of these commandments.
Examination of Conscience5-15 min
3Catholic Social TeachingCatholic Social Teaching is a set of teachings based on the life and words of Christ and consists of 7 pillars. In this session, we'll use these pillars as our guide.Examination of Conscience10-20 min
47 Deadly SinsThe 7 deadly sins are seven of the main ways we turn away from God and from what is inherently good. In this session, we'll reflect on areas where sin has taken root, and ask God for mercy and grace.Examination of Conscience10-20 min
5Reflect on God's LoveIn this examination of conscience, we'll read from 1 Corinthians: 13, St. Paul's famous definition of love. We'll reflect on how we reflect - or fail to reflect - the love of God.Examination of Conscience5-10 min