HALLOW ORIGINAL: Rest in the goodness of God with these stripped down versions of classic hymns arranged and performed by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".
5 Einheiten
1Holy God We Praise Thy NameSing praises to God with this classic hymn arranged by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".Kat Hammock: Hymns4 min
2Turn Your Eyes Upon JesusEmbrace Jesus' loving gaze with this classic hymn arranged by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".Kat Hammock: Hymns4 min
3It Is WellDeclare your trust in God with this classic hymn arranged by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".Kat Hammock: Hymns5 min
4Be Thou My VisionName Jesus as the "Lord of your life" with this classic hymn arranged by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".Kat Hammock: Hymns4 min
5DoxologyLift up your voice in worship with this classic hymn arranged by Kat Hammock, a Catholic singer-songwriter and semi-finalist on Season 17 of the popular show, "The Voice".Kat Hammock: Hymns3 min