Join Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James of the John Paul II Healing Center in finding healing from 7 common emotional wounds.
9 Einheiten
1Our Baptismal IdentityMeditate on your baptismal identity in Jesus Christ with this reflection written by the John Paul II Healing Center.Chosen and Beloved
2The Ache of Our HeartsMeditate on Jesus' gift of healing with this reflection written by the John Paul II Healing Center.Hope and Healing
3Overcoming FearReflect on the wound of fear and announce your trust in Jesus with this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.Be Not Afraid
4Overcoming HopelessnessPray through hopelessness and find hope in God's Word with this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.Hope Does Not Disappoint
5Overcoming PowerlessnessReflect on the wound of powerlessness and announce your faith in God's strength with this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.In Your Hand is Power and Might
6Overcoming ConfusionPray through confusion and put your trust in God's wisdom with this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.Wisdom and the Mind of Christ
7Overcoming ShameReflect on feelings of shame and announce Jesus' love for you in this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.Neither Do I Condemn You
8Overcoming AbandonmentPray through feelings of abandonment and find refuge in God with this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.I Will Never Leave You
9Overcoming RejectionReflect on the wound of abandonment and announce the truth of God's acceptance in this meditation from the John Paul II Healing Center.I Will Never Reject You