Healthy Habits
Healthy Habits
Meditate on the importance of your daily choices and how to build healthy habits of virtue with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN.
8 Einheiten
    1Virtue is PowerMeditate on the meaning of virtue and its role in building healthy habits in this reflection written by Sr. Josephine Garrett.Ultimum Potentiae
    2The Building Blocks of VirtueMeditate on how your daily choices can help build the Kingdom of God in this reflection written by Sr. Josephine Garrett.Considering Our Daily Choices
    3Virtue in Family LifeReflect on how to make virtuous choices with your family through this Examen written and led by Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of Three Hearts
    4Virtue in FriendshipsReflect on choices in your friendships with this Examen written and led by Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of the Saints
    5Choosing Self-ControlPray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in self-control with this meditation from Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of the Holy Spirit
    6Grounding During Big EmotionsPractice a grounding exercise and connect with Christ the Vine in this meditation from Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of Christ the Vine - Part I
    7Support NetworksReflect on how to stay rooted through struggles in this Spiritual Writing or Drawing exercise from Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of Christ the Vine - Part II
    8Building ResilienceReflect on the power of hope in this Spiritual Writing or Drawing exercise with Sr. Josephine Garrett.The Power of Hope