[2022] After the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, join us in praying for his eternal repose as his Papal Master of Ceremonies, Monsignor John Cihak, leads us in prayer and reflection on Benedict XVI's writings and preaching.
8 Einheiten
1Day 1: God Is With UsAfter the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, join us in praying for his eternal repose as Monsignor John Cihak leads us in prayer. We'll reflect today on Pope Benedict's first papal homily and then close with a Litany of the Saints.First Papal Homily: April 24, 200521-25 min
2Day 2: CharityOn this second day of our Remembrance, we'll reflect on the theological virtue of charity with an excerpt from Pope Benedict's first encyclical letter, "Deus Caritas Est"—God Is Love. Then we'll close with traditional prayers.First Encyclical: Deus Caritas Est13-17 min
3Day 3: EucharistOn this third day, we'll reflect on an excerpt from Pope Benedict's first Apostolic Exhortation, "Sacramentum Caritatis"—the Sacrament of Charity. Then we'll close with our traditional prayers.First Apostolic Letter: Sacramentum Caritatis14-16 min
4Day 4: HopeOn this fourth day, we'll reflect on the theological virtue of hope with an excerpt from Pope Benedict's second encyclical, "Spe Salvi"—the Hope of Salvation. Then we'll close with our traditional prayers.Second Encyclical: Spe Salvi12-14 min
5Day 5: ServiceOn this fifth day, we'll reflect on service and true Christian humanism with an excerpt from Pope Benedict's third encyclical, "Caritas in Veritate"—Love in Truth. Then we'll close with our traditional prayers.Third Encyclical: Caritas in Veritate12-15 min
6Day 6: Word of GodWe'll reflect on an excerpt from Pope Benedict's second Apostolic Exhortation, "Verbum Domini"—The Word of God. Then we'll pray a Litany of the Saints and close with our usual prayers. (Note: Benedict XVI's Funeral Mass is being celebrated today.)Second Apostolic Letter: Verbum Domini17-20 min
7Day 7: ConversionToday Msgr. Cihak shares what it was like to be in the room when Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation. Then we'll reflect on an excerpt from Pope Benedict's final papal homily, delivered on Ash Wednesday in 2013.Final Papal Homily: Ash Wednesday, 201313-15 min
8Day 8: PrayersOn this final day of our Remembrance, Msgr. Cihak shares two poignant stories about Pope Benedict XVI. We'll conclude by reflecting on Benedict XVI's Farewell Address to his brother Cardinals on his final day as Pope.Farewell Address to Cardinals: February 28, 201314-16 min