Prepare for rest with this collection of short, beautiful prayers that can be said before sleep. The readings are led by Chika Anyanwu, a Catholic speaker, author, and evangelist.
15 sesiones
1Bedtime PrayerAsk the Lord to watch over you and guard you while you sleep with this traditional childrens bedtime prayer.Prayer of Trust2 min
2Guardian Angel PrayerOffer up this traditional Guardian Angel prayer as you prepare for rest.Prayer for Protection2 min
3Bedtime ShemaRecite a shortened form of the bedtime shema, which is a traditional Jewish prayer often said before sleep.Blessing for Sleep3 min
4Canticle of SimeonPray the Canticle of Simeon, which comes from the Gospel of Luke and is traditionally prayed in Night Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.Prayer for Protection2 min
5I Offer You My SleepOffer up this prayer before sleep written by St. Alphonsus Ligouri.Prayer of St. Alphonsus Ligouri2 min
6Peace of RestTurn to God for the peace of rest with this prayer written by St. Augustine.Prayer of St. Augustine2 min
7MagnificatJoin your voice with Mary's as you offer this song of praise traditionally prayed during Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.Prayer of Mary2 min
8MemorareAsk for Mary's intercession as you prepare for rest with this traditional prayer.Prayer to Mary2 min
9St. Michael PrayerAs you prepare for rest, ask for St. Michael’s intercession and protection with this traditional prayer.Prayer for Protection2 min
10Breathe In MeOffer up this prayer to the Holy Spirit written by St. Augustine as you prepare for rest.Prayer of St. Augustine2 min
11Serenity PrayerAs you prepare for sleep, ask God for the grace to accept the things we cannot change with this serenity prayer, which is credited to Reinhold Niebuhr.Prayer of Acceptance2 min
12Jesus, I Trust in YouMeditate on a powerful prayer given by Jesus to St. Faustina as you prepare for sleep. The words are simply: “Jesus, I trust in you.”Prayer from St. Faustina2 min
13Peace I Leave With YouMeditate on the peace that Jesus gives as you prepare for sleep with this Lectio Divina on a scene from the Gospel of John Chapter 14.Praying with Scripture8 min
14Litany of WaitingLet go of worry as you offer up the “Litany of Waiting,” a beautiful prayer written by Sr. Josephine Garrett and members of her order, The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth.Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth6 min
15SuscipeSurrender yourself to God as you prepare for rest with the Suscipe prayer written by St. Ignatius of Loyola.Prayer of St. Ignatius3 min