Mary Magdalene is one of the most prominent figures in the New Testament. Over the next 7 days, we'll learn about her background and be with her as she journeys with Jesus in ministry, on the cross, and at the Resurrection. This special edition of Saints in 7 days will feature Liz Tabish who plays Mary Magdalene in the Chosen.
7 sesiones
1Mary of MagdalaWelcome to Saints in 7 Days with Mary Magdalene! Today we'll begin to explore the life of this incredible woman of faith by reflecting on how she grew up and what life was like for her in first-century Galilee.Day 15-10 min
2I Was One Way...What was Mary Magdalene like before she met Jesus? Some say she was possessed. Others say she was a prostitute. And others mix her up with some characters in the Gospels. Join us as we get to the truth about Mary Magdalene’s life and, more importantly, how she was transformed by Jesus.Day 24-10 min
3On the RoadAfter being healed, Mary Magdalene followed Jesus. In today’s episode, we’ll look at what everyday life would have been like for these three years with Jesus and what it can mean for our everyday lives today.Day 33-11 min
4At the CrossMary Magdalene was one of the very few people who were faithful to Jesus during His crucifixion. Today we’ll journey with her as she stands at the foot of the cross. We’ll witness these moving moments through her eyes.Day 48-14 min
5"They Have Taken the Lord"We know that Jesus’ crucifixion isn’t the end of the story. In today’s episode, Mary Magdalene remains faithful to Jesus as she buries her friend and goes to visit His tomb. In doing so, she’ll witness the most important moment in Jesus’ life.Day 54-11 min
6Rabboni!Mary Magdalene discovers Jesus’ empty tomb. In today’s session, we’ll listen in as she’s the first person to have a conversation with the risen Lord.Day 67-12 min
7LegacyOn our final day, we’ll explore the legacy of Mary Magdalene. What did she do for the rest of her life? How is she remembered throughout history? What has it been like for Liz to play her character in The Chosen? And, what can she teach us today about following Jesus?Day 74-11 min