Gianna Molla
Gianna Molla
St. Gianna Beretta Molla is best known for her courageous decision to protect the life of her unborn child--even at great risk to herself. In this series, we’ll take a closer look at the faith-filled life and marriage that led to her sainthood.
7 sesiones
    1A Family Like ThatGianna’s desire to follow God’s will and live a holy life began in early childhood, in the peaceful and faith-filled home that her parents created for her and her siblings.Day 17-13 min
    2The Good DoctorToday, we’ll turn our attention to Gianna’s bumpy road to her eventual vocation as a doctor. Day 26-12 min
    3Love LettersDespite a strong desire to serve God as a missionary, Gianna saw her hopes of serving God abroad slowly transformed into an understanding of His will for her as a wife and mother. Day 38-14 min
    4A Holy HomeGianna and Pietro believed that the gift of their love was deeply intertwined with the gift of children. They embraced the vocation of parenthood with all the fervor they brought to every other facet of life.  Day 45-9 min
    5A Mother’s LoveWe’ve come at last to the chapter in St. Gianna’s story for which she’s most known: her dangerous final pregnancy and her unwavering dedication to protecting her unborn child, no matter the cost. Day 510-16 min
    6Miracles in BrazilToday, we’ll look at the miracles that led to Gianna’s beatification and canonization—stories of impossible healing among Brazilian women who called on Gianna’s intercession in their own difficult pregnancies. Day 68-13 min
    7Last LegacySt. Gianna’s story has quickly entered into the hearts and minds of Christians around the world.  Today, we’ll reflect together on her lasting legacy and impact.  Day 76-11 min