Ignatius of Loyola
Ignatius of Loyola
St. Ignatius of Loyola is one of the most famous saints in the history of the Church. Over the next 7 days, we’ll witness his deep relationship with God and how he began to form the Jesuits. We’ll not only experience the key stories of his life but also meditate on these moments through prayers that were dear to him. This special edition features Jonathan Roumie from The Chosen as the narrator.
7 sesiones
    1CannonballWelcome to Saints in 7 Days with St. Ignatius of Loyola! St. Ignatius is one of the most famous saints in the history of the Church. In this first session, we’ll learn about his early life and the cannonball that changed everything.Day 15-10 min
    2PilgrimToday, we’ll journey with Inigo as he leaves the confines of his family’s home and begins life as a pilgrim. During his trek to Jerusalem, he’ll make a stop at the Benedictine Abbey of Montserrat and begin a new way of life. Day 24-11 min
    3ScruplesInigo continues his journey to Jerusalem. He’ll make an unexpected stop that will radically shape his relationship with God and provide the foundation for one of the most transformative experiences the Church has ever seen.  Day 35-12 min
    4RoommatesInigo arrives in the Holy Land. In light of some unexpected news, he’ll return to school. Along the way, two men will be transformed by Inigo’s friendship, and in time this friendship will help transform the world. Day 45-11 min
    5VisionIgnatius and his friends will make vows and form a religious order. They’ll try to discern God’s will for their lives together. Along the way, Ignatius will receive a vision that directs their path.  Day 55-12 min
    6GoodbyeIn today’s episode, we’ll look at the ministry of the early Jesuits. In less than a generation, they would form one of the most powerful religious orders the Church has ever seen. Not only would it stretch Ignatius as a person, but it would also mean saying goodbye to one of his dearest friends forever.Day 66-12 min
    7LegacyToday, we’ll look at Ignatius' legacy. He allowed the Lord to radically transform his life. We’ll look at how he was able to radically change the world and how the Lord can continue to change our lives through him today.  Day 75-11 min