Through Their Eyes
Through Their Eyes
This Triduum, immerse yourself and your family in the heart of Christ, through the eyes of those who knew Him best. Through this radio drama mini-series, enter into the Last Supper with Saint Mark; touch the face of Jesus with Veronica; hear the cock crow with Peter; and discover the empty tomb with Mary Magdalene. Set apart these holy days and listen together as a family. This series is geared towards families with kids 8+.
4 sesiones
    1Saint MarkImmerse yourself in Holy Thursday through the eyes of Saint Mark. Hear how Jesus washed the feet of the 12 apostles in the upper room, gave His body and blood in the Eucharist and suffered His agony in the garden. Recommended for kids ages 8+Holy Thursday32 min
    2Saint VeronicaEnter into the story of the most solemn day: the crucifixion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. Immerse yourself in this day through the eyes of Saint Veronica and hear the story of God giving His only Son for us all. Recommended for ages 8+Good Friday 30 min
    3Saint PeterIn our third episode of this series, we’ll enter into the story of Holy Saturday through the eyes of Saint Peter. Hear the cock crow, and walk alongside Peter through this solemn day of waiting. Recommended for families with kids ages 8+Holy Saturday24 min
    4Saint Mary Magdalene Happy Easter! Let us rejoice as we immerse ourselves in the greatest and most triumphant moment in eternity! Today, you’ll enter into the story of Easter Sunday and find the empty tomb with Saint Mary Magdalene. Alleluia!Easter Sunday 27 min