Easter with the Early Church
Easter with the Early Church
Be transformed this Easter Season as Matt Fradd, Fr. Malachy, CFR, George H. Xanthis, and Patricia Heaton take us through the lives of early Christians who knew Jesus firsthand and followed after the Apostles. Each day will feature one of their stories and a specific topic to explore. We'll pray alongside them and practice different styles of prayer they would've learned. We'll understand what they believed and why they were willing to die for their faith. And in seeing the transformational power of the Resurrection over the first 400 years of the Church, we'll also ask God to transform our lives along the way.
21 sesiones
    1Mary Magdalene & TransformationOn this first day of Easter with the Early Church, Matt Fradd will dive into the story of this key witness of the Resurrection, and Fr. Malachy Napier, CFR will close us in prayer, allowing the power of the Word to transform us.Day 1: Matt & Fr. Malachy7-14 min
    2Peter & Saying Yes to JesusMatt reflects on how the Resurrection transformed Peter’s failures, and he shares how modern discoveries confirm Peter’s faithfulness to the Lord. Then Fr. Malachy closes us in a prayer to the Holy Spirit, opening us to His power in our lives. Day 2: Matt & Fr. Malachy7-15 min
    3John & the Next GenerationWe’ll hear how this apostle raised up the next generation of Church leaders, and Matt will read a story that illustrates John’s merciful care. Then Fr. Malachy will guide us in hearing God’s voice through the practice of lectio divina with Ephesians 4:11-13.Day 3: Matt & Fr. Malachy8-16 min
    4In Their Own Words: DidacheEach Thursday, we’ll listen to an early Christian writing narrated by George H. Xanthis from The Chosen. He joins us today to read an extended excerpt from an important source of apostolic teaching and wisdom. Day 4: George H. Xanthis4-10 min
    5Silence: Remain in MeEach Friday, Fr. Malachy introduces us to the practice of abiding in Christ in silence. Today he offers some teaching; reads from John 15:4-5; and then offers extended silence to be in the presence of God. In the default session, there will be 2 minutes of silence, and in the longer session, there will be 5 minutes of silence.Day 5: Fr. Malachy8-11 min
    6Felicity and PerpetuaPatricia Heaton joins us for a Saturday series on how the early Church transformed the culture of the ancient world. Today she tells the story of two famous martyrs, and she also shares some of her own testimony of witnessing to Christ.Day 6: Patricia Heaton8-13 min
    7Our Father: Part IIn this session, Fr. Malachy begins a three-part Sunday series, sharing personal reflections and meditating on the Lord's Prayer as a whole.Day 7: Fr. Malachy12 min
    8Justin Martyr & WorshipMatt reads one of the earliest descriptions of a Christian worship service, and he shares how this great apologist sacrificed his life in order to practice this worship. Fr. Malachy closes us in prayer with a meditation on Romans 12:1-2.Day 8: Matt & Fr. Malachy6-13 min
    9Ignatius & CommunionThrough the story of this great bishop, we’ll hear how worship wasn’t only an action that early Christians performed but an integral part of their identity and way of life. Fr. Malachy will close us in prayer to the Holy Spirit.Day 9: Matt & Fr. Malachy5-13 min
    10Polycarp & FriendshipWe’ll see how the friendship of two bishops inspires them to live their identity as members of the Body of Christ. Then we’ll listen for God’s voice as we pray lectio divina with Colossians 3:13-15.Day 10: Matt & Fr. Malachy5-13 min
    11In Their Own Words: ClementWe’ll hear from another early Christian in his own words as George narrates an extended passage from Clement’s “Letter to the Corinthians.”Day 11: George H. Xanthis5-9 min
    12Silence: Never Alone, Always WithFr. Malachy offers more teaching on the practice of abiding in Christ in silence. Then he reads a brief passage from Ignatius of Antioch’s “Epistle to the Ephesians” before leaving us in extended silence with God. In the default session, there will be 2 minutes of silence, and in the longer session, there will be 5 minutes of silence.Day 12: Fr. Malachy11-14 min
    13Roman WomenPatricia returns today to discuss the most influential group of people who changed the Roman Empire from pagan to Christian. She also talks about how we can spread the faith in our everyday lives.Day 13: Patricia Heaton10 min
    14Our Father: Part IIIn this session, Fr. Malachy continues his three-part Sunday series, reflecting on the petitions in the first half of the Lord's Prayer.Day 14: Fr. Malachy13 min
    15Anthony of the DesertMatt shares about an early Christian who gave up everything to follow Christ and inspired the conversions of many, including he greatest theologian of the early Church. Then Fr. Malachy closes us in prayer with the power of the Word (Rom. 13:13-14).Day 15: Matt & Fr. Malachy6-15 min
    16Constantine & HistoryWe'll hear how everything changed in the Roman Empire after one man’s conversion, and then Fr. Malachy will lead us in prayer to the Holy Spirit.Day 16: Matt & Fr. Malachy6-13 min
    17John Chrysostom & DifficultiesMatt talks about one renowned archbishop and how his preaching led to the sanctification of many as well as resistance and persecution from others. Then Fr. Malachy closes us in lectio divina with Romans 8:31-32, 35, 37-39.Day 17: Matt & Fr. Malachy5-13 min
    18In Their Own Words: AugustineFor this final Thursday passage, George reads an extended excerpt from a beautiful Easter sermon delivered by the most prominent theologian of the early Church.Day 18: George H. Xanthis5-9 min
    19SilenceOnce again, Fr. Malachy leads us into silent prayer with the Lord. He gives us some words of wisdom and then reads a brief quote from Anthony of the Desert before we enter into silence with Jesus. In the default session, there will be 2 minutes of silence, and in the longer session, there will be 5 minutes of silence.Day 19: Fr. Malachy9-12 min
    20Early Christians & The PlaguePatricia concludes our Saturday series with a reflection on how, in the darkness of a tragic event, Christian charity gave the world a compelling case for a life rooted in Christ. Day 20: Patricia Heaton8-14 min
    21Our Father: Part IIIIn this final session, Fr. Malachy concludes his three-part Sunday series, reflecting the second half of the Lord’s Prayer.Day 21: Fr. Malachy17 min