Join Fr. Josh Johnson, a priest of the Diocese of Baton-Rouge, in this daily devotional for anyone looking to learn more about the Catholic faith. In this series, Fr. Josh will show us how to speak to Jesus from our hearts as we meditate on a variety of topics, including God's identity, the role of prayer in our life, and Christian virtue. Learn more about Fr. Josh's new book:
30 sesiones
1God the FatherListen and pray as Fr. Josh Johnson speaks to Jesus from his heart about the kind of Father God is. In his prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on Luke 3:22 and how we are God’s beloved sons and daughters, not for what we do, but who we are.Fr. Josh Johnson12 min
2God the SonListen and pray as Fr. Josh Johnson speaks to Jesus from his heart about who Jesus is and how we have been created to be satisfied by Him. In this prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on John 4:4-42 and reads an excerpt from Mother Teresa’s “I Thirst” Meditation.Fr. Josh Johnson13 min
3God the SpiritListen and pray as Fr. Josh Johnson speaks to Jesus from his heart about who the Holy Spirit is and what Love is. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reads Matthew 28:19 and then leads us through an examination of conscience as he meditates on 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.Fr. Josh Johnson12 min
4The Purpose of LifeListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the purpose of life and how we find true happiness. In this prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on the Catechism of the Catholic Church #27 and Psalm 1:2. He also shares a story of how one woman found joy through service to the suffering.Fr. Josh Johnson12 min
5Why Jesus Came & Died For UsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about why He came and why He died for us. In this prayer, Fr. Josh begins by reflecting on Genesis 1-3, and then he meditates on Romans 5:18.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
6Faith in GodListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about how and why we can have faith in God. In this prayer, Fr. Josh draws insights from Matthew 16:16 and the Catechism of the Catholic Church #153, encouraging us to spend more time with God’s Word in the Holy Bible.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
7How God Speaks to UsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about how God communicates with us in His Word and at all times. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on 1 Samuel 3:1-18. (Note: When Fr. Josh describes the Bible as “inerrant” and “infallible,” he is talking how the Scriptures are free from error and incapable of being wrong.)Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
8How We Respond to GodListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about how we respond to God through prayer and actions. In this prayer, Fr. Josh walks through the ARRR prayer method and shows how Mary models it in Luke 1:26-38.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
9The Our FatherListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the Lord’s Prayer and how we live out these words. In this session, Fr. Josh reflects both on Jesus teaching us how to pray in Matthew 6:9-13 as well as Jesus showing us how to pray in Matthew 26:36-46.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
10Who Mary IsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about Mary, the Mother of God, and her role in our spiritual life. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on how we can abide in deeper intimacy with Jesus by taking Mary into our lives and hearts.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
11God Approaches Us in Our SinListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about how God approaches us in our sin. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on Luke 5:1-11 and how Jesus gets into Peter’s boat and calls him to follow Him.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
12The Nature of God’s MercyListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the nature of God’s mercy. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects the faithfulness of God for us by examining how Jesus showed mercy to Peter in John 21:15-19.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
13Lessons from the RosaryListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about lessons we can learn from the mysteries, or events of Jesus’ life, in the Rosary. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on the gift of the Rosary and then meditates deeply on a particular mystery of the Rosary – the Wedding Feast at Cana in John 2:1-11.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
14What the Church IsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the Church and our role in it. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on Acts 9:4 and how Jesus identifies with His Body. Fr. Josh also meditates on 1 Corinthians 12 and how every member of the Church is necessary.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
15What the Sacraments AreListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the sacraments and how they reveal who God is. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on the way Jesus extends His grace to us through the sacraments, like He did for the hemorrhaging woman in Mark 5:25-34.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
16Purpose of the Human BodyListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the purpose of the human body. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on Genesis 1:26-27, 31 and how God longs to dwell within us, especially through the Sacraments.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
17What Holiness IsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about what holiness is. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on how God invites us into friendship with Him in ordinary circumstances and transforms us through this closeness with Him. Then Fr. Josh provides three ways to help us grow in our relationship with God.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
18How We Live Out Faith in GodListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about Catholic moral teachings and how we live out faith in God in everyday life. In this prayer, Fr. Josh begins with an image of a mother trying to protect her children. Then he meditates on God’s intention behind His rules and commandments.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
19The EucharistListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the Eucharist as the source and summit of Christian faith. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on Jesus’ first mandate after the Last Supper and the effects that fulfilling this mandate can have on our lives.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
20Near Occasions of Sin & GraceListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about avoiding the near occasion of sin and prioritizing the near occasion of grace. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reads Matthew 2:7-12 and reflects on what can draw us closer to Jesus or take us farther away from Jesus.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
21Catholic Social TeachingListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about Catholic Social Teaching – the ways in which we’re invited by God to show concern for all of His Creation. In this prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on Jesus’ life on earth and reflects on how Jesus identifies with His Creation.Fr. Josh Johnson12 min
22Worship of GodListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about worship of God and giving God what we owe Him. In this prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on John 17 as well as the sacrifice of Jesus on Calvary. Then Fr. Josh reflects on how we’re invited to unite our sacrifices with Jesus and offer them to God the Father.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
23What Forgiveness IsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about what forgiveness is and what it is not. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on the Our Father (Matthew 6:9-13) and how Jesus forgives unilaterally. Fr. Josh also clarifies how we forgive others as Christians, drawing from the forgiveness of Jesus.Fr. Josh Johnson12 min
24Praying with OthersListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about praying with others and sharing in discipleship. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on how and why the disciples lived in close communion with Jesus and with one another, and he considers what that means for us.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
25Praying like JesusListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about praying like Him. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on all the different ways that Jesus prays throughout the Gospels and how we can imitate Jesus by praying faithfully in our own lives.Fr. Josh Johnson9 min
26Who the Saints AreListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about who the saints are and what they teach us about holiness. In this prayer, Fr. Josh gives thanks to God for all the friends of Christ who inspire and encourage him to grow in his own relationship with the Lord.Fr. Josh Johnson11 min
27Christianity & Other ReligionsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about how Christianity compares to other religions. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on the distinctiveness of Jesus, who is the fullness of truth and the God who comes to dwell among us.Fr. Josh Johnson9 min
28Feasts in the ChurchListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about celebrating feasts in the Church. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on feasts in the Gospels (John 2:1-12; Luke 15:11-32) as well as the wedding feast that takes place at every Mass.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
29What Fasting IsListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the practice and purpose of fasting – the act of denying ourselves the pleasure from food and other goods in our life. In this prayer, Fr. Josh meditates on Genesis 2:16-17; Exodus 34:28; Matthew 6:16; and Matthew 4:1-11.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min
30The ResurrectionListen and pray as Fr. Josh speaks to Jesus from his heart about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this prayer, Fr. Josh reflects on the reason for the ache that we continue to experience in our hearts even as we grow in friendship with Jesus.Fr. Josh Johnson10 min