Get ready for a peaceful rest with these bedtime prayers for children; a perfect way to pray as a family before bed.
7 sesiones
1Bedtime ExamenReflect on the day with your little ones, calling to mind moments of gratitude and glimpses of grace. Bedtime Prayers5 min
2Angel of GodInvite your Guardian Angel to guard you as you sleep tonight.Bedtime Prayers2 min
33-2-1 PrayerHelp your children end their day in prayer with this simple prayer routine of thankfulness, intercessions, and contrition. Bedtime Prayers3 min
4Psalm: The Lord is Your KeeperA simple psalm for night time, recalling God’s constant presence and protection. Bedtime Prayers3 min
5Beloved MeditationLet your child fall asleep to this beautiful reminder of their belovedness. Bedtime Prayers3 min
6Mother MaryEnd the day with your child by asking Mary to pray for them. Bedtime Prayers3 min
7Biblical AffirmationsListen to these words from Scripture and let them fill your heart with God’s love for you. Bedtime Prayers5 min