Join Jim Caviezel, the actor who portrayed Jesus in The Passion of the Christ, as we give glory to God by honoring St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of angels. We'll pray the St. Michael Chaplet together for nine days.
9 sesiones
1Day 1Welcome to Day 1 of our St. Michael Chaplet. Join Jim Caviezel, the actor from The Passion of the Christ, as we give glory to God by honoring St. Michael the Archangel and the nine choirs of angels.St. Michael Chaplet
2Day 2Welcome to Day 2 of our St. Michael Chaplet. We'll pray alongside Jim Caviezel as we glorify God, honoring St. Michael and His nine choirs of angels.St. Michael Chaplet
3Day 3We'll continue to give praise to God by honoring St. Michael and the choirs of angelic hosts, about whom we hear references throughout Sacred Scripture, including Is. 6:2, Gen. 3:24, and Col. 1:16.St. Michael Chaplet
4Day 4Welcome to Day 4 of our St. Michael Chaplet. We'll seek to glorify God as we call upon St. Michael and the choirs of angels for their help and protection.
St. Michael Chaplet
5Day 5Welcome to Day 5 of our St. Michael Chaplet. We'll continue to bring praise to God by honoring St. Michael the Archangel and the nine orders of angels.St. Michael Chaplet
6Day 6Welcome to Day 6 of our St. Michael Chaplet. We continue to bless God's Holy Name as we call upon all the angels, from the Seraphim to the Angelic Choir.St. Michael Chaplet
7Day 7Welcome to Day 7. On this Sunday, we remember God's promise for those who recite the St. Michael Chaplet daily that they will be escorted by nine angels each time they receive Holy Communion.St. Michael Chaplet
8Day 8Welcome to Day 8 of our St. Michael Chaplet. For those who recite this prayer daily in His honor, God promises that after death, they and their relatives will receive deliverance.St. Michael Chaplet
9Day 9Welcome to our final day of our July with Jesus Challenge. Know that the St. Michael Chaplet will continue to be available in our Dailies Section for your daily prayer.St. Michael Chaplet