Welcome to Hallow's Family Prayers! Pray and reflect together with your family, significant other, or as a community of friends. You can do all three sessions throughout the day, or choose just one to pray together.
3 sesiones
1MorningStart your day together with song and prayer. Choose the 5 min length for the prayer only, and 'Discuss' for prayer + the opportunity to discuss the day ahead.Family: Praying together5 min
2DinnerPray together before dinner. Choose the 2 min length for grace only, choose 'Discuss' for grace plus a fun reflection on the day.Family: Praying together2-3 min
3EveningClose your day together with Scripture, intentions, and the Salve Regina. Choose 'Discuss' for time to add your own intentions as a group.Family: Praying together5-6 min