Welcome to the Love Praylist - a collection of prayers reminding us of God's love for us and the love we're called to show Him and one another. Feel free to skip around this list and try any session you'd like.
9 séances
1God is loveHello and welcome to the Love Praylist. Today we pray using Lectio Divina and contemplate what it means for God to be Love.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
2Without loveToday we will pray using Lectio Divina, realizing love is what gives meaning and value to everything in our lives.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
3Love is patient, love is kindToday we contemplate, using Lectio Divina, how to live a life filled with love that is patient, kind, and never failing.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
4For God so loved the worldToday we'll pray using Lectio Divina, contemplating on the love God showed us by sending His only Son to save us.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God5-15 min
5Reflecting on love in our dayToday we use the Examen to reflect on the moments where we were able to witness God present in love.Examen: Reflecting on your day5-15 min
6Loving those around usIn today's meditation, we'll visualize how best to show the love of God to those in our lives.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
7Receiving the love of othersIn today's meditation, we pray in gratitude for all those who have brought God's love into our lives.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
8Loving strangersIn today's meditation, we visualize sending the Holy Spirit to the nameless faces we encounter every day.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min
9Loving enemiesToday we'll visualize those we dislike the most in our lives and offer them in spirit everything we desire for ourselves.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence5-15 min