Welcome to the Hope Praylist - a variety of prayers focused on what it means to live in a state of Christian hope. The intention with this collection is to help us trust in the faithfulness and nearness of God. Accordingly, many of these sessions focus on the events of Christ's Incarnation, particularly His Nativity. So, this is a great resource of prayer for the season of Advent. Feel free to skip around and choose any prayers you'd like from this list.
7 séances
1Mary's MagnificatHello and welcome to the Hope Praylist. Today we'll pray using Lectio Divina and meditate on Mary's prayer.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God
2God in a mangerToday we'll meditate on the scene of Jesus' birth, with Mary and Joseph in the manger.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence
3Have seen a great lightToday we'll contemplate a passage from the prophet Isaiah: The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God
4The shepherdsIn our prayer session today we'll meditate on our greatest source of hope: Jesus coming to the world as man to save us.Christian Meditation: Peace in silence
5Hope during your weekToday, we'll pray the Examen together. We'll look back on our whole week and reflect on the theme of hope.Examen: Reflecting on your day
6What it means to hopeIn this session we're going to enter into prayer through the practice of spiritual writing on the theme of hope.Spiritual Writing: Journaling with God
7A tree planted by waterThrough today's Lectio Divina, we'll continue to reflect on the theme of hope with a reading from the prophet Jeremiah.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God