St. Joseph Novena
St. Joseph Novena
Join us as we seek the intercession and guidance of Saint Joseph through this powerful novena, led by Patrick Kelly, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus. Each day, Patrick will introduce a new theme focused on a different title of Saint Joseph. Together, we will lift our hearts in prayer, asking for Saint Joseph’s protection and strength for our spiritual and temporal welfare. As we journey through this novena, we will invoke Saint Joseph’s help to grow in faith, courage, and obedience, ultimately drawing closer to God through his example.
9 séances
    1Patron Saint of FathersJoin Supreme Knight, Patrick Kelly, in the St. Joseph Novena. On Day 1, we invoke Saint Joseph as the Patron Saint of Fathers, seeking his guidance and intercession for all fathers.Day 1: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    2Courageous Guardian of the RedeemerOn Day 2 of the St. Joseph Novena, we call upon Saint Joseph as the Courageous Guardian of the Redeemer, seeking his intercession for strength and courage in facing our trials.Day 2: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    3Pure Guardian of the VirginOn Day 3 of the St. Joseph Novena, we invoke Saint Joseph as the Pure Guardian of the Virgin, seeking his intercession to protect and guide us in our devotion to Holy Mary and in defending the honor of all women.Day 3: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    4Support in DifficultiesOn Day 4 of the St. Joseph Novena, we call upon Saint Joseph under the title Support in Difficulties, seeking his guidance and perseverance in facing life’s challenges, especially for new fathers and those in unanticipated pregnancies.Day 4: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    5Servant of ChristOn Day 5 of the St. Joseph Novena, we call on Saint Joseph as the Servant of Christ, seeking his intercession to be attentive to God’s voice and respond with faith and obedience, just as he did.Day 5: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    6Guardian of the Universal ChurchOn Day 6 of the St. Joseph Novena, we invoke the intercession of Saint Joseph under the title Guardian of the Universal Church, seeking his guidance to support and defend the Church and provide solid Catholic formation.Day 6: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    7Model for WorkersOn Day 7 of the St. Joseph Novena, we turn to Saint Joseph as the Model for Workers and Provider for the Son of God, seeking his intercession for the unemployed or underemployed, that they may find working befitting their dignity.Day 7: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    8Terror of DemonsOn Day 8 of the St. Joseph Novena, we invoke Saint Joseph as the Terror of Demons, seeking his protection and intercession in our spiritual battles as we strive to lead holy lives.Day 8: St. Joseph Novena3 min
    9Cornerstone of FamiliesOn Day 9 of the St. Joseph Novena, we call on Saint Joseph as the Cornerstone of Families, seeking his guidance and courage in leading and protecting our families, and forming them in the faith.Day 9: St. Joseph Novena4 min