Standing Firm
Standing Firm
Learn how to stand firm in your faith when pressure hits with Madison Prewett, author of the book "Made for this Moment," and contestant on Season 24 of The Bachelor.
6 séances
    1Finding PurposeReflect on God's purpose for your life with this talk from Madison Prewett.For we are His handiwork7 min
    2Growing in ConfidenceLearn ways to grow in self-confidence and experience deeper trust in God with this talk from Madison Prewett.I have the strength6 min
    3Preparing for Your MomentsLearn how to stand firm with your faith in Jesus with this talk from Madison Prewett.Standing firm under pressure6 min
    4Overcoming Fear & AnxietyReflect on ways to overcome fear and anxiety with this talk from Madison Prewett.Do not fear8 min
    5Life-giving RelationshipsReflect on the importance of developing life-giving friendships with this talk from Madison Prewett.Iron is sharpened by iron5 min
    6Scriptural AffirmationsMadison Prewett reads uplifting passages from Scripture to help you remain confident in God's love.Remain confident in God's love10 min