Welcome to the Forgiveness Praylist - a variety of meditations focused on seeking forgiveness from the Lord and on forgiving others. Our hope with this collection is that you will be able to unite your injuries and sufferings to the Cross of Christ and receive the healing He desires to give so that we may forgive others in the way that we pray in the Our Father. You are welcome to listen to the sessions below in any order.
9 séances
    1What is forgiveness?We begin this praylist by reflecting on what forgivness means.Meditation
    2Why is it important?In this session, we'll reflect on why forgiveness is so important with the parable of the unforgiving debtor from Matthew 18:23-35.Lectio Divina
    3Where do we need forgiveness?In this examination of conscience, we'll reflect on where we need forgiveness.Examen
    4Jesus, have mercy on meIn this session, we'll pray the "Jesus prayer" - a beautiful prayer that you can say throughout the day to remember and seek God's mercy.Meditation
    5Neither do I condemn youIn this session, we'll reflect on what it means to be forgiven by God through the Gospel story of the woman caught in adultery.Lectio Divina
    6Who do we need to forgive?In this session, we'll reflect on who we need to forgive in our lives.Examen
    7Christ's exampleToday, we'll meditate on the example of forgiveness that Jesus set.Lectio Divina
    8At the crossIn today's session, we'll imagine ourselves at the foot of the cross alongside those who have hurt us.Meditation
    9Jesus, remember meIn this session, we'll pray through taize the words of the criminal who died beside Jesus.Taizé