Audio Clips from Father Stu
Audio Clips from Father Stu
Mark Wahlberg, the actor who portrays Fr. Stuart Long in the film "Father Stu," tells the story of why he made the movie. He also shares several moving audio clips from the film.
7 séances
    1Introduction to Father StuHear as Mark Wahlberg explains what inspired his movie, "Father Stu", and why Father Stu's life was so inspirational.with Mark Wahlberg2 min
    2First SermonHear the scene where Mark Wahlberg gives Father Stu's first sermon as a seminarian at his local parish.with Mark Wahlberg2 min
    3Final SermonHear the final sermon Fr. Stu gave when he was ordained a priest voiced by Mark Wahlberg for the film "Father Stu".with Mark Wahlberg3 min
    4Extra Clip: Deciding to be a PriestListen to a powerful audio clip from the movie "Father Stu" where his girlfriend tries to convince his mom to talk him out of becoming a priest.with Mark Wahlberg1 min
    5Extra Clip: Fighting for GodListen to Mark Wahlberg as Father Stu trying to convince the Monsignor who runs the seminary to give him a shot and allow him in.with Mark Wahlberg1 min
    6Extra Clip: Getting Back UpHear Mel Gibson voice the dad of Father Stu with encouragement to get back up and fight when life gets you down.with Mel Gibson1 min
    7Extra Clip: Talking with InmatesListen to Mark Wahlberg read a powerful audio clip to inmates in the jail from the movie "Father Stu." Learn more about "Father Stu" at https://www.fatherstumovie.comwith Mark Wahlberg1 min