Daily Miracle
Daily Miracle
Welcome to Daily Miracles, a daily reminder of the power of faith and of God’s active presence in our world. Listen to a short story each day about a miracle approved by the Church.
74 séances
    1Without a PulseWe begin our series with a miracle through the intercession of Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen. Join us for this incredible miracle story of little baby James.Daily Miracle6-12 min
    2The Miracle of a RabbiIn today’s story, we hear of one of Jesus’ most famous miracles. The startling part is not what it says about Jesus, but what it says about us. Daily Miracle5-12 min
    3Why Do People Suffer?The mystery of suffering comes through in a powerful way today as we hear about a priest who was given the miraculous power to heal while he himself suffered deeply.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    470,000 WitnessesToday we’ll hear one of the most extraordinary miracles in the history of the Church, the miracle of the dancing sun, witnessed by over 70,000 people.Daily Miracle4-9 min
    5Brought Back to LifeToday we’ll witness the miraculous healing of a young man and consider how God has performed miracles throughout history, bringing people to faith in Him. Daily Miracle4-10 min
    6Becoming a SaintToday we’ll hear of a miracle attributed to one of the most revered people of the 20th century, both in the Church and the world, and the process by which a Saint is recognised by the Church.Daily Miracle5-10 min
    7Preserved to This DayToday we’ll look at a miracle that occurred proving to many the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the scientific evidence behind this extraordinary event.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    8StigmataOur miracle today involves a saint whose entire life was marked by extraordinary and supernatural signs. In this session, we’ll hear of the miracle Padre Pio is best known for.Daily Miracle5-10 min
    9Without PupilsToday we’ll hear of another miracle attributed to St. Padre Pio: a girl who was healed of blindness.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    10I Want to SeeToday we’ll hear the story of the blind man, Bartimaeus. Let’s take a look at what his miraculous healing can teach us about our own faith.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    11Miracle Man of MontrealListen to the story of a humble man whose only desire was to bring more people to Jesus through St. Joseph, and his God given gift of healing thousands on the way.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    12The Most Extraordinary PersonOur story today is about a saint that Mark Twain once said, “is easily and by far the most extraordinary person the human race has ever produced.” Join us today to hear about the Saint Joan of Arc.Daily Miracle5-10 min
    13Wash Seven TimesToday, we turn to the Old Testament, where we witness how God has worked miracles to bring people to faith in him for thousands of years. Daily Miracle4-10 min
    14Inexplicable Mystery Today we’ll hear the story of an incredible Eucharistic miracle and reflect on the mystery of the Eucharist that we witness at every Mass.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    15A Mistake ReversedWhen a nurse made a horrible mistake with a newborn infant, doctors had nowhere to turn except to prayer. Hear how the intercession of a saint helped a miraculous healing occur.Daily Miracle4-13 min
    16Do You Not Care If We Perish? Today’s miracle is a well-known story from the Gospels, but it speaks directly to a problem many of us feel – what do we do when we need God’s help, but feel like He isn’t there?Daily Miracle4-11 min
    17Water that HealsToday, we’ll hear the story of a young girl whose encounter with Mary was only the beginning of the many miracles that would occur. We’ll hear some of these miracles in the following two sessions.Daily Miracle6-11 min
    18Remove the Apparatus What is it like to be healed? What does this experience look like? Feel like? Today we'll hear the story of a religious sister who went from barely walking to complete healing.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    19A Stubborn AgnosticWhat happens when a hardened agnostic, Nobel prize winning doctor witnesses two incredible miracles before his own eyes? Today we’ll hear the story of Alexis Carrel’s conversion to Catholicism.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    20The Idols We WorshipIn today’s miracles we look at a classic miracle story from the Old Testament. Although familiar, this story still teaches us about trust in God and why we should examine the ways we worship.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    21Weeping MaryMiracles invite us to take a leap of faith and marvel at how God works in the world. Today we will hear the incredible story of a weeping statue in Japan which science still cannot explain.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    22She's Not Going to Make itWhen disaster suddenly strikes a 12-year-old girl in Kansas, her parents turn to their Catholic faith and to the intercession of a Korean War hero. Daily Miracle6-13 min
    23Will There Be Enough? Today we’re going to meditate on the only miracle story found in all four Gospels besides the Resurrection, but in today's reflection we’re going to picture ourselves as a disciple.Daily Miracle4-12 min
    24Winter Roses Today we’ll hear of how one man's encounter with the Blessed Mother resulted in the conversion of 9 million people in 10 years.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    25God is in the Details Today, let’s take a look at what modern science has discovered about the tilma and how these details attest to the truth behind the miracle of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Daily Miracle5-12 min
    26Man PossessedToday we’ll dive into the most startling and detailed account of Jesus healing a man from an unclean spirit and reflect on our own reactions to Jesus. Daily Miracle4-10 min
    27Jesus Wept When Jesus finds out that one of his best friends is sick. Through this story, we are given unique insight into Jesus’ humanity and witness an amazing miracle that eventually leads to Jesus’ death.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    28Hosts of SienaOur miracle story today takes us to the town of Siena, Italy where robbers steals a large quantity of hosts from a tabernacle. What happens next has amazed scientists and believers for centuries.Daily Miracle4-13 min
    29Appeared Before MillionsWhen Mary appears to a real estate developer in a dream, he changes his plans and accepts Mary’s promise to do something miraculous. Today, we’ll look at an incredible apparition seen by millions.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    30A Dream Come TrueIn today’s miracle, we’ll hear the story of how a son’s faith helped heal his mother and how this miracle led to a movement of prayer that’s healed thousands around the world.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    31Breaking FreeWhen a World War I veteran is down to his last hope, he refuses everyone's advice and journeys to a famous shrine. Hear the story of John Traynor’s determination and God’s incredible healing power.Daily Miracle7-13 min
    32They Have No WineWhen a wedding feast runs out of wine, Mary asks Jesus to step in. While Jesus’ first miracle provides a natural solution, it also reveals a deeper meaning and Mary’s special role in God’s kingdom.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    33God's FoolIn today’s episode, a man radically dedicates his life to Jesus Christ but doesn’t lose his sense of humor along the way. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    34Nothing Less Than MiraculousWhen a faithful Polish priest is captured and tortured, a remarkable miracle occurs and still occurs hundreds of years later. In this episode, hear the amazing story of St. Andrew Bobola.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    35Pray for YourselfIn today’s episode, a woman turns to a deceased bishop for help when she finds out that her sister is on the verge of death. Find out how his intercession changed everything.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    36Do Not Be AfraidWhen a Costa Rican woman encounters a life-threatening situation, she turns to the help of a soon-to-be saint. Little did she know that the answer to her prayers would help this modern Pope as well.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    37From Bartender to EmpressMany Catholic Churches have a relic of the true cross, but few know the story behind it. In today’s episode, learn how a slave girl made one of the most epic discoveries in the history of the Church.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    38Fiery FurnaceWhen a king tries to force the Israelites to worship a golden idol, three men refuse and face the fiery furnace. In today’s episode, hear the story of their faithfulness and of God’s deliverance.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    39Bring Forth What You WillA Christian encounters a governor in ancient Roman empire and is faced with the decision to deny Christ or suffer death. Hear the story of one of the most important Christians in the early Church. Daily Miracle4-11 min
    40I Say to You, RiseAs Jesus’ ministry begins, a man and his friends ask for a cure. In today’s episode, Jesus shuns cultural norms to show His power to cure the sick of both their spiritual and physical ailments.Daily Miracle4-12 min
    41Tell Them About MeWhen a woman hits the lowest point in her life, she turns to God. In today's episode, we feature our first story from a member of our Hallow community about overcoming obstacles through God's grace.Daily Miracle8-12 min
    42With You, I GoA grounded plane unexpectedly leads to a miracle 15 years later. Today, we will hear from another member of our Hallow community about how God's Providence accompanies us in grief and at all times.Daily Miracle5-10 min
    43I Want to Get UpWhen a young office clerk is crippled for life through a terrible train accident, his family never give up hope. Listen to the story of the miraculous healing of Gabriel at Lourdes.Daily Miracle6-13 min
    44Miraculous LightsIn a little village in rural Ireland, an incredible apparition was witnessed by the local people. Hear the testimony of one of the witnesses to this stunning show of light.Daily Miracle6-11 min
    45Like a Whispery BreezePreviously, we looked at the story of Our Lady of Knock. Today, we’ll look at one of the shrine's most famous miracles – the miraculous healing of a disabled woman.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    4612 YearsWhen a woman is desperately in need of healing, she encounters Jesus and approaches Him for help. In today’s episode, we’ll hear the account of a healing unlike any other in the Gospels.Daily Miracle6-12 min
    47InterruptedIn our story yesterday, Jesus was on his way to heal the daughter of a desperate father, when a woman approached him for healing. Today, hear the rest of the story from the father's perspective.Daily Miracle4-10 min
    48Carrying a SuitcaseFind out what happens when a woman prays to her guardian angel. In today's episode, we will hear a fascinating story from a member of our Hallow community about how our prayers are heard and answered.Daily Miracle7-12 min
    49Overcoming FearFind out what happens when Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to a member of our Hallow community and helps him do what he could not do alone.Daily Miracle4-9 min
    50The Sweetest MomentWhen a religious sister is woken up in the middle of the night, she witnesses a Marian apparition and is given an audacious mission. In today’s episode, we’ll hear the story of the Miraculous Medal.Daily Miracle5-11 min
    51I Saw Her! I Saw Her!When a man travels around Europe, he encounters an old friend and his life changes forever. In today’s episode, hear the incredible conversion of Alphonse Ratisbonne through the Miraculous Medal.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    52This Wild CountryWhen a woman sees a heavenly vision, she turns to her parish priest for help. In today’s episode, hear the fascinating story of Adele Brise and the only Church-approved Marian apparition in the U.S.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    53No Way OutYesterday, Adele Brise saw Mary three times and was given a mission to evangelize her community. Today, we’ll learn what Adele did next and the miraculous event that happened just 12 years later.Daily Miracle6-11 min
    54Only Say the WordIn today’s story, Jesus is approached by an unlikely person in the Gospels. Hear the account of a Roman’s humility and how it even amazes Jesus Himself.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    55Peace DescendsGod brings forth miracles out of other miracles. Listen to one Hallow member tell her story of what happened when she and her husband prayed together in discernment for the first time.Daily Miracle4-9 min
    56Book of MiraclesOne member of our Hallow community records miracle stories in a family book. Hear his incredible account of how God worked through his entire life to answer someone else's urgent prayer request.Daily Miracle7-12 min
    57Francis PascalWhen a toddler’s illness causes him to be blind and paralyzed, his parents turn to the only place they know of that can heal him. In this episode, we'll hear the miraculous healing of Francis Pascal.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    58Not a CoincidenceWhen a couple receives bad news about their unborn child, they turn to a familiar saint for help. In today’s episode, hear the story of Mikey and the founder of the Knights of Columbus.Daily Miracle5-12 min
    59Thy Will Be DoneIn today’s episode, hear the story of an inexplicable recovery from a severe brain infection that paved the way for Mother Teresa’s canonization.Daily Miracle4-10 min
    60A Thousand PenniesWhen a young boy develops a deadly disease, his community turns to a familiar Blessed for intercession. Learn about the incredeible miracle that helped canonize the first Native American saint.Daily Miracle7-12 min
    61Double MiracleWhen a visiting priest says Mass, he finds an unusual substance during the consecration. This begins the story of a Eucharistic miracle that happened twice.Daily Miracle4-10 min
    62Hospital VisitorWhen doctors knew that this Hallow member was nervous before his surgery, they sent someone to come pray with him. Find out who comes to take care of him that evening.Daily Miracle6-13 min
    63Song of Two HeartsA singer loses her voice after multiple illnesses. Hear the beautiful story of what happens when a member of our Hallow community visits the shrine in Champion, WI.Daily Miracle11-16 min
    64Let Me Help YouA warning and a message of peace are given before a period of horrific violence. In this episode, hear the incredible story of Mother Mary’s appearance to three young women in Rwanda. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    652:00AMWhen his wife is close to death, an El Salvadorian man asks a revered archbishop to pray for her. The resulting miracle paved the way for St. Oscar Romero’s canonization. Daily Miracle5-10 min
    66The Carpenter Almost 150 years ago, a mysterious staircase was built by a mysterious carpenter. Hear today the story of what happened when a group of nuns turned to St. Joseph to help them. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    67Unexpected ProtectorA friend shows up when he’s needed most. In today’s episode, hear the fascinating story of a future saint and his unexpected protector. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    68Sacred HeartA young nun begins experiencing visions of Jesus but no one believes her. Hear the story of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    69The Divine PhysicianHear the glorious story of a missionary from our Hallow community who discovered the power of Jesus' name when she was prayed over by those on Heaven and on earth.Daily Miracle4-11 min
    70Go Out In JoyWhen people learn about the diagnosis of one of our Hallow members, messages and support flowed in. But there was one message she couldn't believed. Hear the story of how God speaks. Daily Miracle4-11 min
    71Show Me Your TruthWhen a religious sister falls ill, they turn to the founder of their order for help. In today’s episode, hear the fascinating story of the first saint to be born in North America. Daily Miracle5-11 min
    72American MotherWhen a young girl receives a deadly diagnosis, her mother and a nun pray to a woman all too accustomed to tragedy and loss. Hear the story of Ann O’Neil and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton’s life. Daily Miracle6-12 min
    73We Know He's a SaintWhen a woman faces a life-threatening illness, she turns to a saintly man. In today’s episode, we learn about the story of Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos and his intercession for the Boudreaux family. Daily Miracle5-12 min
    74Proof of the ResurrectionThroughout this series, we've looked at miracle stories from Scripture and Church history. The goal was to recognize that if God is alive, it changes everything. This final story might just prove it.Daily Miracle5-12 min