Welcome to the Humility Praylist, our second ever praylist on Hallow. Here, you'll find a collection of prayers to help you encounter true humility and to grow in this virtue in your own life. Feel free to skip around this list and select any sessions that you'd like to pray with.
11 séances
1Litany of humilityWelcome to the Humility Praylist. Today we'll pray with the Litany of Humility - one of the most challenging prayers we have.Litany: A challenging prayer
2Jesus' humilityIn this session we’ll pray through Lectio Divina using St. Paul's letter to the Philippians describing Jesus' humility.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God
3Mary's prayerIn this session we’ll contemplate the scene in which an angel asks Mary to bear and give birth to Jesus.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God
4Who is the greatestIn this Lectio Divina, we will enter into the scene and hear Jesus teach how the least among all of us is the greatest.Lectio Divina: A conversation with God
5Reflecting on othersIn this session, we invite you to review your day through an Examen & reflect on what the people in your life mean to you.Examen: Reflecting on your day
6Lifting others upIn this Examen, we encourage you to seek out the least among you & how God is calling you to lift them up.Examen: Reflecting on your day
7Following GodIn today’s meditation, we’re going to turn our attention to how God calls us to be like children and to follow Him.Christian Meditation: Finding peace in silence
8God's mercyIn our meditation today, we're going to focus both on our sins & God's mercy.Christian Meditation: Finding peace in silence
9Wishing others joyIn this session, we're going to focus on the people in our life and meditate on their joy and their goodness.Christian Meditation: Finding peace in silence
10The Lord is my shepherdIn this prayer, we'll chant the first verse of Psalm 23. Don't worry, we aren't professional singers either.Taizé: Singing with God
11The last shall be firstToday we'll journal with a focus on humility. You'll need something to write with.Spiritual Writing: Journaling with God