Presence of God
Presence of God
In this audiobook, Fr. Mark-Mary, CFR reads The Practice of the Presence of God, a short but powerful account from the life of Brother Lawrence. This collection of conversations, sayings, and letters from Brother Lawrence inspires us to speak to God always from the depth of our heart, no matter where we are in the spiritual life.
19 séances
    1Intro, Preface, First ConversationWe begin our journey through The Practice of the Presence of God with an introduction by Fr. Mark-Mary and the First Conversation with Brother Lawrence.Presence of God13-15 min
    2Second ConversationWelcome back to Day 2 of this challenge. In today's reading, Br. Lawrence reassures us that simplicity is the key to Divine Assistance. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God9-12 min
    3Third ConversationWelcome to Day 3! Today we will read Br. Lawrence's third conversation. Here he shares his experience of "loving God only." Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God5-7 min
    4Fourth ConversationWelcome back! In his fourth conversation, Br. Lawrence explains how to go to God regularly, in prayer and praise, throughout our daily life. Choose the longer length for reflection. Presence of God11-14 min
    5First LetterToday we begin Part 2, where we read letters written by Br. Lawrence. In his first letter, he shares how he made practicing the presence of God a habit. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God6-9 min
    6Second LetterWe'll continue today reading Br. Lawrence's second letter, where he expands on the idea of seeking only God throughout the day. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God11-14 min
    7Third LetterWe turn now to Br. Lawrence's third letter written to a soldier friend, encouraging him to trust in God. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-6 min
    8Fourth LetterWelcome to Day 8. In his fourth letter, Br. Lawrence encourages his correspondent to press on in practicing the presence of God. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God6-9 min
    9Fifth LetterToday we will read Br. Lawrence's fifth letter, written to a sister who was about to make a vow and profession. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-6 min
    10Sixth LetterWelcome back to Day 10 of this challenge. Today, we'll read Br. Lawrence's sixth letter where encourages us to persevere. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God4-6 min
    11Seventh LetterToday we'll read Br. Lawrence's seventh letter, where he encourages a friend to "live and die with God." Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-6 min
    12Eighth LetterWe turn to the eighth letter in The Practice of the Presence of God. In this letter, Br. Lawrence instructs on what to do when our mind wanders during prayer. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-5 min
    13Ninth LetterWelcome back to Day 13. Today we read Br. Lawrence's ninth letter where he reminds the reader it is "our only business to please God." Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God4-7 min
    14Tenth LetterIn our reading today, Br. Lawrence's tenth letter is to a friend who has suffered a great loss. He reminds us to turn toward God in these times of loss. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God2-5 min
    15Eleventh LetterWelcome back! Today we read the eleventh letter from Br. Lawrence, in which he encourages us to remember that God is the physician of our body and soul. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God5-7 min
    16Twelfth LetterToday is Day 16 of our audiobook! As we read in Br. Lawrence's twelfth letter, God never leaves us alone. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-6 min
    17Thirteenth LetterWe turn today to Br. Lawrence's thirteenth letter in which he writes about suffering and God's nearness to us in our suffering. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-5 min
    18Fourteenth LetterWe'll continue with the fourteenth letter by Br. Lawrence, in which he shares his gratitude for the consolations that come from suffering. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God3-5 min
    19Fifteenth LetterOur letter today was the last letter written by Br. Lawrence before he died. He exhorts us to know God always. Choose the longer length for reflection.Presence of God4-7 min