Welcome to the Litanies Praylist - a variety of litanies to help you enter into dialogue with God and with the Church. In this collection, you will find traditional litanies as well as original litanies composed by the Hallow team. We hope these will help you meditate upon Jesus' name, pray for mercy, intercede for others, and grow in virtue.
15 séances
    1Litany of HumilityIn this litany, we will ask God for the strength and grace to grow in true humility.Call & Response4-15 min
    2Litany to the Most Holy Name of JesusIn this traditional litany, we will invoke the Most Holy Name of Jesus and meditate on His titles and attributes.Call & Response10-15 min
    3Sacred Heart LitanyIn this litany, Mother Olga will help us meditate on the majesty of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and we’ll ask God to have mercy on us. This litany is a wonderful devotion to practice each day in the month of June.Mother Olga7 min
    4Precious Blood LitanyIn this Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, we will worship the Lord and pray together for the salvation of souls. Jonathan Roumie5 min
    5Litany for LifeIn this Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Life, we will ask Mary to pray for our world, that we may grow in respect for all human life from conception to natural death. Call & Response5-8 min
    6Litany of the SaintsIn this litany, we will call upon the saints and ask them to pray for us.Call & Response6-15 min
    7Litany of PatienceIn this litany, we will ask God to help us grow in the virtue of patience.Call & Response5-15 min
    8Litany for the HungryLet's pray for those who hunger and meditate on how we are called to serve.Call & Response5-15 min
    9Litany for the ThirstyIn this litany, we will pray for those who thirst.Call & Response5-15 min
    10Litany for the PoorLet's pray for those who suffer from poverty and ask God to open our hearts to give.Call & Response5-15 min
    11Litany for the HomelessIn this litany, we will pray for those who are without homes and shelter.Call & Response5-15 min
    12Litany for the SickIn this litany, we will pray for those who are sick and for those who care for them.Call & Response5-15 min
    13Litany for the ImprisonedIn this litany, we will pray for those who are imprisoned.Call & Response5-15 min
    14Litany for the DeadIn this litany, we will pray for those who have died and for those who mourn.Call & Response5-15 min
    15Litany of SupplicationIn this litany, which Pope Francis offered during his Urbi et Orbi Blessing during the Coronavirus Pandemic, we will ask God for healing upon the world.Call & Response7-15 min