Choral Hymns
Choral Hymns
Sing a new song with this collection of Gregorian chants and hymns from the all-female schola of Catholic Music Initiative.
9 sessioni
    1Be Thou My VisionInvite Jesus to guide your life with a choral setting of this timeless hymn by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant3 min
    2Pange LinguaSing of the Lord's glory with a choral setting of this beloved hymn written by St. Thomas Aquinas and sung by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant3 min
    3Veni Creator SpiritusPray, "Come, Holy Spirit" with a choral setting of this ancient hymn sung by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant4 min
    4Ave Sacer Christi SanguisMeditate on the presence of Christ with this polyphany written by Kevin Allen and sung by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant2 min
    5Let Mortal Flesh Keep SilenceOffer adoration to Christ with this ancient hymn traditionally prayed during Holy Week and sung here by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant3 min
    6Ave Verum Corpus NatumReflect on the sufferings of Christ's body with a setting of this eucharistic hymn sung by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant2 min
    7Salve ReginaMeditate on a traditional setting of the "Hail, Holy Queen" prayer sung in latin by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant2 min
    8Regina CaeliMeditate on a setting of this ancient prayer traditionally offered during Easter and sung here by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant1 min
    9O God Beyond All PraisingLift up your voice to God with an inspiring choral setting of this classic hymn by CMI Chant.Catholic Music Initiative: Chant2 min