Chaldean Prayers
Chaldean Prayers
Meditate on traditional prayers from the Chaldean Catholic Church led by Fr. Simon Esshaki of the Eparchy of St. Peter the Apostle for the Western United States.
6 sessioni
    1As Morning DawnsWelcome the new day with this traditional morning prayer from the Chaldean liturgy.Morning Prayer1 min
    2The Trinity's MysteryLift up praise to the Holy Trinity with this traditional morning prayer from the Chaldean liturgy.Morning Prayer1 min
    3O Lord, Have Mercy On UsCall upon the Lord with this traditional evening prayer from the Chaldean liturgy written by St. Ephrem.Nighttime Prayer2 min
    4You Betrayed HimReflect on Judas' betrayal with an ancient hymn traditionally recited on Holy Thursday.Healing Prayer2 min
    5Do Not FearCelebrate the joy of Jesus' Resurrection with this ancient hymn written by Mar Abba The Great.Easter Prayer2 min
    6Blessed JoyfulnessMeditate on the joy of the Easter season as you listen to this ancient sermon by Mar Jacob of Sarug.Easter Sermon4 min