Maccabean Revolt
Maccabean Revolt
Congratulations on completing the section on the Return! We now come to our next section on the Maccabean Revolt as we continue to dive into the Bible with Fr. Mike Schmitz.
32 sessioni
    1Intro to Maccabean RevoltWelcome to the Maccabean Revolt period! Jeff Cavins joins Fr. Mike to introduce the tenth biblical period in our journey.Section 10: Begin Here32 min
    2Day 282: AntiochusLearn more at: - As we begin reading the first book of Maccabees, Fr. Mike highlights the severe persecution against the Jews and the desecration of the Temple.Oct 9: 1 Macc 1; Sirach 1-3; Proverbs 21:29-3132 min
    3Day 283: Mattathias AttacksLearn more at: - Fr. Mike clarifies the meaning behind Mattathias' zealous attack against the Greeks and his fellow Jews who were not obeying God's laws.Oct 10: 1 Macc 2; Sirach 4-6; Proverbs 22:1-426 min
    4Day 284: Near Occasion of SinLearn more at: - Fr. Mike points out how advice from books like Proverbs and Sirach may not apply perfectly to every situation, but are meant to help guide us.Oct 11: 1 Macc 3; Sirach 7-9; Proverbs 22:5-827 min
    5Day 285: Story of HanukkahLearn more at: - In today's reading from 1 Maccabees, we hear about the victory of Judas Maccabeus, which is also the story of Hanukkah.Oct 12: 1 Macc 4; Sirach 10-12; Proverbs 22:9-1228 min
    6Day 286: Battle to Choose GodLearn more at: - Fr. Mike walks us through the battles of Judas Maccabeus, emphasizing that freedom to belong to God and to worship him is worth fighting for.Oct 13: 1 Macc 5; Sirach 13-15; Prov 22:13-1627 min
    7Day 287: Eleazar's SacrificeLearn more at: - Fr. Mike illustrates the story of Eleazar and the abandonment of peace terms between the Jews and the Greeks.Oct 14: 1 Macc 6; Sirach 16-18; Prov 22:17-2128 min
    8Day 288: Battling GossipLearn more at: - Fr. Mike explains the importance of wisdom in our everyday lives when we face temptations to gossip.Oct 15: 1 Macc 7; Sirach 19-21; Prov 22:22-2524 min
    9Day 289: Wise InfluencesLearn more at: - Fr. Mike provides contextualizes our readings of 1 Maccabees today which covers the beginning of Roman rule over the Jewish people.Oct 16: 1 Macc 8; Sirach 22-23; Prov 22:26-2925 min
    10Day 290: Judas Maccabeus DiesLearn more at: - Fr. Mike guides us through Judas Maccabeus' last battle, his death, and his succession.Oct 17: 1 Macc 9; Sirach 24-25; Proverbs 23:1-424 min
    11Day 291: King AlexanderLearn more at: - Fr. Mike breaks down the dramatic events from our reading today; Jonathan's new role and King Alexander's formidable alliance with Egypt.Oct 18: 1 Macc 10; Sirach 26-27; Proverbs 23:5-827 min
    12Day 292: The Power of WordsLearn more at: - Fr. Mike explains that 1 Maccabees is unlike other books of the Bible because it narrates stories without providing any interpretation.Oct 19: 1 Macc 11; Sirach 28-29; Prov 23:9-1226 min
    13Day 293: Discipline & LoveLearn more at: - Fr. Mike focuses on the theme of disciplining children, reflected in our readings from Sirach and Proverbs today.Oct 20: 1 Macc 12; Sirach 30-31; Prov 23:13-1625 min
    14Day 294: Judea & IndependenceLearn more at: - In our reading today, Fr. Mike highlights the the establishment of the new independent sovereign nation of Israel in the land of Judah.Oct 21: 1 Macc 13; Sirach 32-33; Prov 23:17-2121 min
    15Day 295: Israel's ExpectationsLearn more at: - Fr. Mike mirrors the story of 1 Maccabees and Israel’s expectations of continued success onto our own lives.Oct 22: 1 Macc 14; Sirach 34-35; Prov 23:22-2521 min
    16Day 296: Know Your HeartLearn more at: - As we begin to wrap up 1 Maccabees, Fr. Mike directs our attention to how 2 Maccabees will tell the same story in a different way.Oct 23: 1 Macc 15; Sirach 36-37; Prov 23:26-2820 min
    17Day 297: Good Things for EvilLearn more at: - As we read from Proverbs and Sirach, Fr. Mike points out how everything God has made is good, but we can use those things for evil ends.Oct 24: 1 Macc 16; Sirach 38-39; Prov 23:29-3521 min
    18Day 298: The Gift of LifeLearn more at: - Fr. Mike gives us context for the beginning of 2 Maccabees and recounts the story of Nehemiah’s discovery of the sacred fire.Oct 25: 2 Macc 1; Sirach 40-41; Proverbs 24:1-724 min
    19Day 299: Jeremiah & the ArkLearn more at: - Fr. Mike discusses the story of Jeremiah and the Ark, offering insight on where it was hidden and how that affected the people of God.Oct 26: 2 Macc 2; Sirach 42-44; Proverbs 24:8-922 min
    20Day 300: Conversion of HeartLearn more at: - Fr. Mike provides context to the God-centered perspective of 2 Maccabees and compares it to the perspective provided by 1 Maccabees.Oct 27: 2 Macc 3; Sirach 45-46; Prov 24:10-1226 min
    21Day 301: Rising AgainLearn more at: - Fr. Mike reflects on our reading from Sirach and what we have already learned on this journey through the Bible.Oct 28: 2 Macc 4; Sirach 47-49; Prov 24:13-1623 min
    22Day 302: Pursuit of WisdomLearn more at: - Fr. Mike concludes the book of Sirach today and encourages us to continue the pursuit of wisdom.Oct 29: 2 Macc 5; Sirach 50-51; Prov 24:17-2020 min
    23Day 303: Eleazar's CourageLearn more at: - Fr. Mike offers a recap of Eleazar's martyrdom and marvels at Eleazar's courage to avoid both sin, and leading others into sin.Oct 30: 2 Macc 6; Wisdom 1-2; Proverbs 24:21-2623 min
    24Day 304: Life Beyond DeathLearn more at: - Fr. Mike focuses on the theme of life beyond death, which is prominently reflected in our readings today.Oct 31: 2 Macc 7; Wisdom 3-4; Proverbs 24:27-2924 min
    25Day 305: The DefenderLearn more at: - Reading the story of Judas Maccabbeus again, Fr. Mike points out the recognition of God's presence, mercy, and justice in their circumstances.Nov 1: 2 Macc 8; Wisdom 5-6; Proverbs 24:30-3421 min
    26Day 306: Wisdom is BeautifulLearn more at: - Fr. Mike draws our attention to the descriptions of wisdom and reflects on the beauty of wisdom’s feminine nature.Nov 2: 2 Macc 9; Wisdom 7-8; Proverbs 25:1-320 min
    27Day 307: Courage in BattleLearn more at: - Fr. Mike discusses the confidence that faith in God can provide as we fight the battles of our lives.Nov 3: 2 Macc 10; Wisdom 9-10; Proverbs 25:4-721 min
    28Day 308: Little by LittleLearn more at: - Fr. Mike highlights how God fights as a heavenly ally with the people of Israel and encourages us to actively fight alongside God.Nov 4: 2 Macc 11; Wisdom 11-12; Prov 25:8-1022 min
    29Day 309: Praying for the DeadLearn more at: - Fr. Mike breaks down the doctrine of purgatory as we read about Judas Maccabeus and his army praying for the dead in 2 Maccabees 12.Nov 5: 2 Macc 12; Wisdom 13-14; Prov 25:11-1425 min
    30Day 310: Rivals for the HeartLearn more at: - Fr. Mike points out how easy it is to take good things and make idols out of them, setting them up as God's rivals for our hearts.Nov 6: 2 Macc 13; Wisdom 15-16; Prov 25:15-1721 min
    31Day 311: God Fights for YouLearn more at: - Fr. Mike highlights one of the lessons we've seen time and time again—that God continues to fight for each of us.Nov 7: 2 Macc 14; Wisdom 17-18; Prov 25:18-2024 min
    32Day 312: End of Old TestamentLearn more at: - Fr Mike celebrates the accomplishment of reading the entire Old Testament and wraps up the books of 2 Maccabees and Wisdom.Nov 8: 2 Macc 15; Wisdom 19; Prov 25:21-2315 min