Latin Prayers
Latin Prayers
Offer these traditional prayers in the ancient language of the Church.
14 sessioni
    1Pater NosterCall upon God the Father as you pray the very first prayer Jesus taught his disciples.Our Father1 min
    2Ave MariaOffer this Scriptural prayer and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to intercede for you.Hail Mary1 min
    3Gloria PatriOffer praise to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in this ancient Trinitarian prayer.Glory Be1 min
    4Salve ReginaAsk Mary, the Queen of Heaven, to pray for us in this traditional prayer.Hail, Holy Queen2 min
    5AngelusJoin us in praying this traditional prayer based on Mary's words in the Gospel of Luke. The Angel of the Lord2 min
    6Sancte Michael ArchangeleAsk Saint Michael the Archangel for his prayers and protection through this traditional Catholic prayer.St. Michael the Archangel1 min
    7Benedic, DomineSay this prayer before meals and ask the Lord the bless the gifts which we receive from His bounty.Prayer Before Meals1 min
    8Agimus Tibi GratiasSay this prayer after meals and give thanks to God for all His benefits.Prayer After Meals1 min
    9MemorareImplore the Virgin Mary's help and seek her intercession with this traditional prayer.Remember1 min
    10Alma Redemptoris MaterDuring the season of Advent, call upon Mary with this 11th-century Marian Antiphon and ask her to have pity on us, poor sinners.Advent Season1 min
    11Alma Redemptoris MaterFrom Christmas to the Feast of the Purification, call upon Mary with this 11th-century Marian Antiphon and ask her to have pity on us, poor sinners.Christmas Season1 min
    12Ave Regina CaelorumFrom the Feast of the Purification until Wednesday in Holy Week, sing to Mary and ask for protection with this Marian Antiphon originating from the 12th century.Lenten Season1 min
    13Stabat Mater DolorosaStand at the foot of the Cross and share in the sorrows of Mary as you pray with this Latin hymn, traditionally sung during the Stations of the Cross.Lenten Season4 min
    14Regina CaeliThroughout the Easter Season, rejoice with the Queen of Heaven in our Lord's Resurrection as you pray with this joyful Marian Antiphon.Easter Season1 min