Pray40 Challenge 2022: Join Jonathan Roumie who portrays Jesus in The Chosen & Jim Caviezel who portrayed Jesus in The Passion of the Christ as we journey through The 7 Last Words of Christ: the words Jesus spoke in his final hours upon the cross.
47 sessioni
1Litany of HumilityOn this first day of Pray40, we'll pray the Litany of Humility as we begin to meditate on the 7 Last Words of Christ this Lenten season.
Mar 2: Litany with Jonathan6-30 min
21st Word: Father, Forgive ThemJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on the First Word with a quote from St. Philip Neri. (Note: This meditation has longer periods of silence to let you reflect and focus on the Scripture and quote).Mar 3: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
3ForgivenessToday we'll dive deeper into the First Word, reflecting on a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen and meditating on the power of forgiveness.Mar 4: Reflection with Jonathan7-30 min
4Lord Have MercyEach Saturday this Lent, we'll lift our hearts to Jesus through music. Today, meditate on the love and mercy of God with this song by contemporary worship group The Vigil Project.Mar 5: Music6 min
5Sunday GospelAs we begin this week, we turn our attention to the Second Word. We'll pray today with the Gospel from Mass, being open to how God speaks to us through Scripture.Mar 6: Lectio Divina with Jonathan6-30 min
62nd Word: You Will Be With MeJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on the Second Word with a writing from St. Faustina. (Note: This meditation has longer periods of silence to let you reflect and focus on the Scripture and quote).Mar 7: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
7The Good ThiefToday we'll dive deeper into the Second Word, reflecting on a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen and imagining ourselves as the good thief.Mar 8: Reflection with Jonathan6-30 min
8Litany to Christ the KingAs we continue to meditate on Jesus's kingship, we'll pray a traditional litany of Christ the King.Mar 9: Litany with Jonathan6-30 min
9Psalm 47Today we will pray with the Psalms and with Scripture as we continue to reflect on Jesus as King.Mar 10: Psalms with Jonathan6-30 min
10Stations of the CrossEach Friday this Lent we'll join Jim Caviezel in meditating on the fourteen moments of the Way of the Cross.Mar 11: Stations with Jim6-50 min
11Poor Wayfaring StrangerImagine going "just over the Jordan" as you listen and pray with this folk hymn by The Hillbilly Thomists.Mar 12: Music4 min
12Sunday GospelThis week, we will pray with Jesus's Third Word. We'll pray today with the Gospel from Mass.Mar 13: Lectio Divina with Jonathan6-30 min
133rd Word: Behold Your MotherJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on the Third Word with a quote from St. Bernard of Clairvaux. (Note: This meditation has longer periods of silence to let you reflect on the Scripture and quote).Mar 14: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
14Mary, Our MotherToday we'll dive deeper into the Third Word, reflecting on a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen. Mar 15: Reflection with Jonathan6-30 min
15Litany to Our Lady of SorrowsAs we continue to meditate on the Third Word, we'll pray together a traditional litany of Our Lady of Sorrows.Mar 16: Litany with Jonathan6-30 min
16Psalm 45Today we will pray with the Psalms and with Scripture as we continue to reflect on how Mary can help us grow closer to Jesus.Mar 17: Psalms with Jonathan6-30 min
17Stations of the CrossChoose Jim Caviezel or Jonathan Roumie to guide you through the Stations of the Cross. As we meditate on each moment, unite your sufferings to Jesus.Mar 18: Stations with Jim & Jonathan6-50 min
18Stabat MaterConclude this week's reflections with an instrumental meditation from Catholic composer Sean Beeson. Traditionally sung in Latin, this composition helps us reflect on Mary's sorrows at the Cross.Mar 19: Music5 min
19Sunday GospelAs we begin this week, we turn our attention to our Fourth Word. We will pray today with the Gospel from Mass.Mar 20: Lectio Divina with Jonathan6-30 min
204th Word: I ThirstJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on our Fourth Word. (Note: In this Pray40 Challenge, we'll be following a slightly different order than the traditional sequence of the Seven Last Words.)Mar 21: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
21Thirst for God's LoveToday we'll dive deeper into this Fourth Word with a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen, as we reflect on how God thirsts for our love. Mar 22: Reflection with Jonathan7-30 min
22Litany for the ThirstyAs we continue to meditate on Jesus's thirst, let's pray together a litany for those who thirst and hunger.Mar 23: Litany with Jonathan7-30 min
23Psalm 42We'll pray today with the Psalms and meditate on our thirst for God.Mar 24: Psalms with Jonathan6-30 min
24The AnnunciationToday we celebrate the Annunciation - Mary's total 'Yes' to God's will. In the shorter length, we'll pray the Angelus, and in the longer lengths, we'll meditate on the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.Mar 25: Angelus & Rosary with Jonathan5-30 min
25Ave Sacer Christi SanguisConclude this week on "I Thirst" with a Latin hymn sung by the Catholic Music Initiative, and meditate on the saving blood of Christ, which gives life to our souls.Mar 26: Music2 min
26Sunday GospelThis week, we'll focus on Jesus's Fifth word. We'll pray today with the powerful story of the Prodigal Son.Mar 27: Lectio Divina with Jonathan7-30 min
275th Word: My God, My GodJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on our Fifth Word. (Note: In this Pray40 Challenge, we'll be following a slightly different sequence than the traditional order of the Seven Last Words.)Mar 28: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
28Hope in DarknessToday we'll dive deeper into the Fifth Word with a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen. We'll reflect on how we can know God is with us during times of suffering.Mar 29: Reflection with Jonathan8-30 min
29Litany of TrustIn this litany written by Sr. Faustina Maria Pia, SV, we'll learn to place all our trust in Jesus.Mar 30: Litany with Jonathan5-30 min
30Psalm 22Today we'll meditate on the Psalms and the words of the Prophet Isaiah as we continue to reflect on Jesus's words.Mar 31: Psalms with Jonathan7-30 min
31Stations of the CrossLet Jim Caviezel or Jonathan Roumie accompany you as you meditate on each moment of Jesus's Way of the Cross.Apr 1: Stations with Jim & Jonathan6-50 min
32Parce MihiListen and pray with this mournful hymn based on the Book of Job and sung by Apollo5, an award-winning a capella choir based in the U.K.Apr 2: Music6 min
33Sunday GospelThis week, we turn to Jesus's Sixth Word. We'll pray today with the moving Gospel passage in which Jesus reveals who he is to the woman at the well.Apr 3: Lectio Divina with Jonathan6-30 min
346th Word: It Is FinishedJoin Jim Caviezel in this meditation on the Sixth Word with a quote from St. John Damascene. (Note: This meditation has longer periods of silence to let you reflect on the Scripture and quote).Apr 4: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
35Giving of YourselfToday we'll dive deeper into the Sixth Word, reflecting on a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen as we consider how we can give of ourselves this Lent.Apr 5: Reflection with Jonathan5-30 min
36Litany for the DeadToday, we’ll pray a litany for those who have died and for those who grieve, having faith that death does not have the final say. Apr 6: Litany with Jonathan6-30 min
37Psalm 143Today we will pray with the Psalms and with Scripture as we continue to reflect on God's saving grace.Apr 7: Psalms with Jonathan6-30 min
38Stations of the CrossAs we prepare to enter into Holy Week, join Jim Caviezel or Jonathan Roumie in praying the Stations of the Cross.Apr 8: Stations with Jim & Jonathan6-50 min
39Wood and NailsMeditate with this song about Jesus' loving sacrifice for us, performed by The Porter's Gate worship project.
Apr 9: Music5 min
40Palm Sunday GospelOn this Palm Sunday, we'll meditate on the Gospel as we follow Jesus on his journey to the cross. Apr 10: Lectio Divina with Jonathan5-30 min
417th Word: Into Your HandsAs we enter Holy Week, join Jim Caviezel in this meditation on the Final Word with a quote from St. Alphonsus Ligouri. (Note: This session has more silence for reflection on the Scripture and quote).Apr 11: Meditation with Jim5-10 min
42The Final WordToday we'll sit at the foot of the Cross as we meditate on the Seventh Word with a passage from Venerable Fulton Sheen. Apr 12: Reflection with Jonathan6-30 min
43SurrenderThis week’s Last Word is all about surrendering ourselves to God. Today we'll repeat a short but powerful prayer that comes from the Surrender Novena.Apr 13: Novena Prayer with Jonathan6-30 min
44Psalm 31On this Holy Thursday, we'll pray with the Psalms and with Scripture as we meditate on what it means to find refuge in God.Apr 14: Psalms with Jonathan6-30 min
45Stations of the CrossOn this Good Friday, we will, for the final time, pray with Jim Caviezel or Jonathan Roumie as we meditate on each moment of Jesus's Passion and Crucifixion.Apr 15: Stations with Jim & Jonathan6-50 min
46SilenceOn this Holy Saturday, we make space for silent prayer as we join the world in a day of mourning and waiting.Apr 16: Silence with Jonathan5-30 min
47Easter SequenceHappy Easter! In celebration, we will pray with the Easter Sequence that is sung today at Easter Sunday Mass.Apr 17: Easter Sequence3 min