Join the Hallow community in reading this spiritual classic by St. Therese of Lisieux and narrated by Sr. Orianne Pietra René of the Daughters of St. Paul. "The Little Flower" shares the story of how God blessed her life through prayer, sacrifice, and suffering.
22 sessioni
1Introduction & Chapter 1Welcome to the Story of a Soul community challenge! We begin with an introduction to the book written by Sr. Orianne, DSP and the first half of Chapter 1. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul12-15 min
2Chapter 1: Part 2Welcome back to Day 2 of this challenge. Today, we'll finish Chapter 1, in which St. Therese shares some of her earliest memories. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul17-21 min
3Chapter 2: Part 1We continue today with Chapter 2. St. Therese shares stories from her Catholic household, including the pain of losing her mother. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul12-15 min
4Chapter 2: Part 2As we finish Chapter 2, St. Therese continues to tell stories from her childhood, including an account of her First Confession and other memories from church. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul17-20 min
5Chapter 3: Part 1Today we'll read Chapter 3. St. Therese tells of the bittersweet sorrow she felt when her older sister Pauline left the home and entered the religious life. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul13-17 min
6Chapter 3: Part 2We'll continue with Chapter 3 today. St. Therese shares about her struggles with a serious illness. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul11-14 min
7Chapter 4: Part 1We turn now to Chapter 4, where St. Therese shares the story of her First Communion. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul17-20 min
8Chapter 4: Part 2We continue reading Chapter 4. St. Therese tells of the joy she felt in making her Confirmation and consecrating herself to Jesus through Mary. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul18-21 min
9Chapter 5: Part 1Today we begin Chapter 5. God begins to reveal to St. Therese's her vocation to love. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul16-19 min
10Chapter 5: Part 2Welcome back to Day 10 of this challenge. Today, we'll finish Chapter 5 as St. Therese recounts the many obstacles she faced in entering the Carmel at 15. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul19-22 min
11Chapter 6: Part 1Congratulations on making it halfway through the book! Today we'll read Chapter 6, where St. Therese shares the memories of her pilgrimage to Rome. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul17-20 min
12Chapter 6: Part 2We'll continue with Chapter 6 today. St. Therese recounts her time in Rome and the bold request she made during her audience with Pope Leo XIII. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul21-24 min
13Chapter 7: Part 1Today we begin Chapter 7, when at last, The Little Flower is able to enter her beloved Carmel. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul14-17 min
14Chapter 7: Part 2As we finish Chapter 7, St. Therese tells of finding her way closer to perfection through suffering and sacrifice. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul12-15 min
15Chapter 8: Part 1We turn now to Chapter 8, where St. Therese shares her joys - and the graces she received - from living and serving others in the Carmel. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul18-20 min
16Chapter 8: Part 2We continue reading Chapter 8. St. Therese shares just how much Jesus desires to be loved by each of us. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul19-21 min
17Chapter 9: Part 1Welcome back to Day 17 of this challenge. Today, we'll read Chapter 9 where St. Therese shares about her own dark night of the soul. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul22-25 min
18Chapter 9: Part 2We'll continue with Chapter 9 today. God reveals to St. Therese how to love more perfectly: with charity. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul22-25 min
19Chapter 10: Part 1Today as we begin Chapter 10, St. Therese shares more about her relationships with her Sisters and the novitiates she is helping to form. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul19-22 min
20Chapter 10: Part 2We'll continue with Chapter 10 today. St. Therese writes of her desire to serve and love others, so as to grow in charity. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul18-21 min
21Chapter 11: Part 1We turn now to Chapter 11, the final chapter in the Story of A Soul. As St. Therese's life comes to a close, she shares of her deepening desire to love. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul22-25 min
22Chapter 11: Part 2Congratulations on completing the Story of a Soul challenge! As we finish, St. Therese writes directly to Jesus, pouring her heart out to Him. Choose the longer length for reflection.Story of a Soul19-22 min