Parables Challenge
Parables Challenge
Journey with Jesus through meditations on the parables led by Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus in The Chosen. We'll dive into ten different parables, listening to a Gospel passage each day and learning how to see anew.
10 sessioni
    1Receive God's WordWelcome to the Parables Challenge! We begin today with the Parable of the Sower (Mt. 13:3-23) to prepare our hearts to receive God's word. Day 110-18 min
    2God's KingdomJesus used parables to teach us about the Kingdom of God. Today, we'll hear a few of these parables as we reflect on who God is and how we are invited to help build His Kingdom.Day 28-14 min
    3God the FatherToday we will pray with the parable that, above all others, reveals who God is: the Parable of the Prodigal Son.Day 313-19 min
    4Child of GodToday, we continue with the Parable of the Prodigal Son. We'll reflect on how understanding our identity as children of God can change our lives.Day 410-16 min
    5Pray with ConfidenceOver the next two sessions, we'll hear parables Jesus told that teach us how to pray. Today, we’ll reflect on how we can call out to God with trust and confidence.Day 510-17 min
    6Pray with ReverenceIn this parable about a tax collector and a Pharisee, Jesus shows us how to have humility when we talk with God in prayer.Day 68-14 min
    7ForgiveFor the remainder of July with Jesus, we'll meditate on parables that teach us how to live as Jesus’ disciples. We’ll begin today with the Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor.Day 711-17 min
    8Embrace the CrossIn today’s challenging parable we’ll explore what it means to put God above all else.Day 810-18 min
    9Be PreparedToday we'll pray with the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man.Day 98-15 min
    10Be LightIn this final session, we’ll close with a parable on discipleship in which Jesus calls us to be light for the world.Day 109-15 min