Works of Mercy
Works of Mercy
In this challenge, we'll pray a litany with each of the 7 Corporal Works of Mercy, offering prayers for those who are suffering and meditating on how we are called to serve.
8 sessioni
    1Intro to the Works of Mercy We begin this prayer challenge with a meditation on Matthew 25 as we consider how we see Jesus in those who are suffering.Litany 5-15 min
    2Feed the hungryFor this first Work of Mercy, we'll pray a litany for those who hunger and then meditate on how we are called to serve.Litany 5-15 min
    3Give alms to the poorIn this session on the second Work of Mercy, we'll pray for those who suffer from poverty and ask God to open our hearts to give.Litany 5-15 min
    4Shelter the strangerContinue with the third Work of Mercy as we pray for those who are homeless or strangers.Litany 5-15 min
    5Give water to the thirstyEnter into the next Work of Mercy as we pray for those who are thirsty.Litany 5-15 min
    6Visit the imprisonedContinuing with the fifth Work of Mercy, let's pray for those who are imprisoned.Litany 5-15 min
    7Visit the sickIn this session, we'll pray with the sixth Work of Mercy: visiting the sick.Litany 5-15 min
    8Bury the deadWe conclude our journey through the Works of Mercy by praying for those who have died.Litany 5-15 min