Waiting Songs
Waiting Songs
Await the coming of the King of Kings with this Advent album from Rain for Roots. These songs are about making time for waiting, so we will practice listening, quieting ourselves, celebrating, whispering good news, and yelling shouts of joy.
10 sessioni
    1O Come, O Come EmmanuelA classic Advent hymn as we wait for the coming of Jesus at ChristmasWaiting Songs3 min
    2Come Light Our HeartsFor you, O Lord, our souls in stillness waitWaiting Songs4 min
    3Isaiah 11Pray with the words of the prophet Isaiah in this cheerful song of waiting for the good king. Waiting Songs2 min
    4It's Hard to WaitIt's hard to wait! Sing along to this song about how difficult it can be to wait for the things we want--knowing that someday all of our longing and desire will find rest in God. Waiting Songs3 min
    5The Weight of the World Rest in God as you sing along to this meditation on placing our burdens in Christ's hands, trusting that he carries the weight of the world. Waiting Songs4 min
    6Mary Consoles EveSung from Mary's point of view, this song offers comfort to Eve and assurance that the promised Savior is on his way. Waiting Songs3 min
    7ZechariahA fun, playful song about Zechariah's response to the angel and his months of silence leading up to John's birth.Waiting Songs3 min
    8MagnificatMary's song of praise and thanksgiving.Waiting Songs3 min
    9Great RejoicingThere's gonna be a great rejoicing!Waiting Songs4 min
    10Come Thou Long Expected JesusA classic hymn of waiting for Christ's birth.Waiting Songs4 min