Join Sr. Mary Grace, S.V., from the Sisters of Life in this second week of the Secrets of the Rosary. She'll be guiding us through the history and events of the Luminous Mysteries, while blessing us through her life-affirming charism and her spiritual motherhood. In every session, she'll remind us of the basic truths which Christ and our faith teach us.
Sr. Mary Grace, S.V., grew up in Sydney, Australia and entered the Sisters of Life after being captivated by the beauty of each human life and feeling compelled to lay down her life to protect it.
7 sesji
1Luminous MysteriesWelcome to the second week of the Secrets of the Rosary! Today Sr. Mary Grace recounts a recent encounter that inspired her to rediscover the power of the Rosary, and then she shares the history behind the Luminous Mysteries. We'll conclude with an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be. If you’d like to pray the full Rosary, pray with any of our offerings here on Hallow.Introduction14 min
2The Baptism in the JordanToday Sr. Mary Grace describes how the Rosary can be a healing prayer. Then we'll reflect on the beloved Sonship of Jesus and our own primary identity in this first Luminous Mystery. Select the shorter length to pray one decade or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.1st Luminous Mystery14-31 min
3Wedding Feast at CanaSr. Mary Grace encourages us to pray the Rosary with others, including our families and churches. Then she'll help us reflect on a profound message that John Paul II delivered regarding Mary's words in this second Luminous Mystery. Select the shorter length to pray one decade; the middle length to pray two decades; or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.2nd Luminous Mystery12-30 min
4The Proclamation of the KingdomThe third Luminous Mystery covers the whole of Jesus' public ministry, and in our meditation today, Sr. Mary Grace will share how the Rosary forms us for mission and evangelization like Jesus. Select the shorter length to pray one decade; the middle length to pray three decades; or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.3rd Luminous Mystery12-30 min
5The TransfigurationFor this fourth Luminous Mystery, we'll try a new method of meditation and pray with a famous work of sacred art found in St. Peter's Basilica. Select the shorter length to pray one decade; the middle length to pray four decades; or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.4th Luminous Mystery9-27 min
6The Institution of the Holy EucharistIn the fifth Luminous Mystery, God gives us the enduring gift of Himself and His love. We'll meditate on this miracle and pray for deeper faith. Select the shorter length to pray one decade; the middle length to pray five decades; or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.5th Luminous Mystery10-28 min
7Rosary RevolutionBefore we pray today, we'll hear the true story of how the Rosary brought about a peaceful revolution in the Philippines. Select the shorter length to pray one decade or the longer length to pray a full Rosary.Conclusion10-28 min