Saints Challenge
Saints Challenge
Welcome to the Saints Challenge, where we'll meditate on the lives and writings of some of Christianity's most famous saints.
9 sesji
    1Let nothing disturb youToday, we'll meditate on a poem by St. Teresa of Ávila, a poem for anytime we feel alone, anxious, or afraid.Praying with Saints
    2SurrenderIn this session, we'll pray with St. Ignatius of Loyola's prayer of surrender and trust.Praying with Saints
    3Come Into My HeartToday, we'll pray with St. Catherine of Siena as we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives.Praying with Saints
    4Stay with me, LordIn this session, we will pray with St. Padre Pio, inviting God to remain with us always.Praying with Saints
    5Late have I loved YouToday, we'll meditate on St. Augustine's life and an excerpt from his Confessions.Praying with Saints
    6Be at peaceIn this session, we'll meditate on St. Francis de Sales' poem that reminds us to trust that God cares for us.Praying with Saints
    7Shine through usBased on a poem by St. John Henry Newman and prayed daily by Mother Teresa, let's ask God to help us spread His love.Praying with Saints
    8Dark night of the soulIn this session, we will meditate on an excerpt from St. John of the Cross' Dark Night of the Soul.Praying with Saints
    9Lord, make me an instrumentMeditate on a prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi as we ask God to use us to make the world a better place.Praying with Saints