54 Day Novena
54 Day Novena
Is there something you'd really like to pray for? Hand it over to God through Mary's intercession. 54 Rosaries, 27 in petition and 27 in thanksgiving.
54 sesji
    1Day 1: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionWelcome to the 54 Day Novena! Bring your petitions to God through the intercession of Mary as we pray the Joyful Mysteries.Day 1 of 5421-25 min
    2Day 2: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionToday we ask Mary to pray for our intentions as we meditate on the Sorrowful Mysteries.Day 2 of 5421-25 min
    3Day 3: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionLet's pray the Glorious Mysteries together today as we ask God to answer our prayers through Mary’s intercession.Day 3 of 5421-25 min
    4Day 4: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionOffer your intentions to the Lord as we pray the Joyful Mysteries and see the mystery of the Incarnation through Mary’s eyes.Day 4 of 5421-25 min
    5Day 5: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionWe will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries today and humbly ask Mary to pray for us to God.Day 5 of 5421-25 min
    6Day 6: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionToday, we will pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary and lift our petitions up to God. Day 6 of 5421-25 min
    7Day 7: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionLet's present these white roses of the Joyful Mysteries to Mary as we ask for her prayers.Day 7 of 5421-25 min
    8Day 8: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionWe will bring Mary these red roses of the Sorrowful Mysteries as we ask her to lift up our prayers.Day 8 of 5421-25 min
    9Day 9: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionWe offer these roses in full bloom, reflecting the Glorious Mysteries, as we ask Mary to bring our petitions to God.Day 9 of 5421-25 min
    10Day 10: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionBring your petitions to God as we pray together the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 10 of 5421-25 min
    11Day 11: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionToday we continue to ask Mary to pray for us as we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries.Day 11 of 5421-25 min
    12Day 12: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionWe’ll pray the Glorious Mysteries together today as we ask God to answer our prayers.Day 12 of 5421-25 min
    13Day 13: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionOffer your intentions to God through the intercession of Mary as we pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 13 of 5421-25 min
    14Day 14: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionLet's pray the Sorrowful Mysteries together and humbly ask Mary to bring our intentions to Jesus.Day 14 of 5421-25 min
    15Day 15: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionToday, we'll pray the Glorious Mysteries and lay our intentions before the throne of God.Day 15 of 5421-25 min
    16Day 16: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionLet's offer up a bouquet of white roses to Mary as we ask for her prayers.Day 16 of 5421-25 min
    17Day 17: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionWe bring red roses to Mary today as we ask her to present our needs to Jesus.Day 17 of 5421-25 min
    18Day 18: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionWe offer these roses today as we meditate on the Glorious Mysteries and ask Mary to pray for us.Day 18 of 5421-25 min
    19Day 19: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionIn these last nine days of petition, we bring our petitions to God as we pray the Joyful Mysteries together.Day 19 of 5421-25 min
    20Day 20: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionToday we continue to ask Mary to pray for us as we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries.Day 20 of 5421-25 min
    21Day 21: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionLet's pray the Glorious Mysteries together once again as we ask Jesus to answer our prayers.Day 21 of 5421-25 min
    22Day 22: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionOffer up your intentions today as we pray the Joyful Mysteries.Day 22 of 5421-25 min
    23Day 23: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionLet's pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and humbly ask Mary to pray for us to God.Day 23 of 5421-25 min
    24Day 24: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionToday, we'll pray the Glorious Mysteries and lift our petitions up to God. Day 24 of 5422-25 min
    25Day 25: Joyful Rosary - In PetitionIn these final three days of petition, we will continue offering our requests to the Lord through Mary’s intercession.Day 25 of 5421-25 min
    26Day 26: Sorrowful Rosary - In PetitionToday we continue to ask Mary to intercede for us as we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries.Day 26 of 5421-25 min
    27Day 27: Glorious Rosary - In PetitionLet's ask Mary for her prayers through these Glorious Mysteries.Day 27 of 5421-25 min
    28Day 28: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingFor the next 27 days, whether our petitions have been answered or not, we will pray to God in trust and thanksgiving.Day 28 of 5421-25 min
    29Day 29: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingAs we pray these Sorrowful Mysteries today, be filled with gratitude for the love God has for each one of us.Day 29 of 5421-25 min
    30Day 30: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe will pray the Glorious Mysteries today in thanksgiving for Mary's intercession and God's unfailing help.Day 30 of 5421-25 min
    31Day 31: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingAs we pray the Joyful Mysteries today, give thanks to God for always hearing our prayers and for being close to us.Day 31 of 5421-25 min
    32Day 32: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries today and humbly thank the Lord for His mercy.Day 32 of 5421-25 min
    33Day 33: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingToday, we'll pray the Glorious Mysteries, and lift up our thanksgiving to the Lord through Mary’s intercession. Day 33 of 5421-25 min
    34Day 34: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingLet's offer Mary these white roses of the Joyful Mysteries as we thank her for her prayers.Day 34 of 5421-25 min
    35Day 35: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe will bring Mary these red roses of the Sorrowful Mysteries as we thank her for praying for us.Day 35 of 5421-25 min
    36Day 36: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe will present Mary with these fully bloomed roses of the Glorious Mysteries as we thank her for being our Mother.Day 36 of 5421-25 min
    37Day 37: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingLet's pray the Joyful Mysteries together in thanksgiving for God's blessings and for Mary’s prayers.Day 37 of 5421-25 min
    38Day 38: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingOffer thanks to God as we pray these Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary together.Day 38 of 5421-25 min
    39Day 39: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingAs we pray these Glorious Mysteries, be filled with thanksgiving for all God has done for us.Day 39 of 5421-25 min
    40Day 40: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive thanks to Jesus as we pray the Joyful Mysteries and mediate on His Nativity and childhood.Day 40 of 5421-25 min
    41Day 41: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive thanks to Jesus as we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries and meditate on His sacrifice on the Cross.Day 41 of 5421-25 min
    42Day 42: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive thanks to Jesus as we pray the Glorious Mysteries and meditate on His Resurrection and Ascension.Day 42 of 5421-25 min
    43Day 43: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive Mary these white roses of the Joyful Mysteries in gratitude for her prayers.Day 43 of 5421-25 min
    44Day 44: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive Mary these red roses of the Sorrowful Mysteries in gratitude for her prayers.Day 44 of 5421-25 min
    45Day 45: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingGive Mary these fully bloomed roses of the Glorious Mysteries in gratitude for her prayers.Day 45 of 5421-25 min
    46Day 46: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingIn these final nine days of our Novena, let us pray with childlike faith. Today we will pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 46 of 5421-25 min
    47Day 47: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe continue to pray with childlike confidence. Today we will pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 47 of 5421-25 min
    48Day 48: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe pray with holy boldness and trust. Today we will pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 48 of 5421-25 min
    49Day 49: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingBring your heart of gratitude to Jesus and Mary as we pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 49 of 5421-25 min
    50Day 50: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingBring your heart of gratitude to Jesus and Mary as we pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 50 of 5421-25 min
    51Day 51: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingBring your heart of gratitude to Jesus and Mary as we pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.Day 51 of 5421-25 min
    52Day 52: Joyful Rosary - In ThanksgivingAs we near the end of these 54 days of our Novena, we will praise God for His unfailing love and closeness. Today we will pray the Joyful Mysteries.Day 52 of 5421-25 min
    53Day 53: Sorrowful Rosary - In ThanksgivingOn this penultimate day, we will raise our voices in gratitude to the Lord as we meditate on His Passion and Death.Day 53 of 5421-25 min
    54Day 54: Glorious Rosary - In ThanksgivingWe will close our Novena today with the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. Thank you so much for joining us in prayer!Day 54 of 5421-25 min