Sleep Meditation
Sleep Meditation
Welcome to the Sleep Meditations. Pray these Christian Meditation sessions to help you get ready for bed.
9 sesji
    1Come, Holy SpiritIn this session, we ask the Holy Spirit to be with us as we quiet our hearts and minds to sleep.Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    2Have no anxietyFall asleep with a meditation based on Philippians 4:6-9. Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    3PeaceIn this session, we'll simply meditate on one word: peace.Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    4Behold, I am with youFind peace with Jesus' final words from the Gospel of Matthew. Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    5Let go of worryIn this session, we'll give God all of our worries, so that we might find rest in Him.Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    6Rest in God's loveMeditate on God's love for you and with you as you fall asleep tonight. Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    7Communion of SaintsFind comfort in the Saints who pray for you and keep watch over you. Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    8ACTSFind rest with God through the ACTS prayer: Adore, Contrition, Thanksgiving, SupplicationMeditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min
    9Pirate PrayerClose your day with the "Pirate Prayer:" Acknowledge, Relate, Receive, Respond. Meditation: Finding peace in silence5-15 min