Join the Hallow community in prayer this Advent (2022) as we journey through the story of salvation history. Beginning with God's chosen people in the Old Testament and ending with the Holy Family in Bethlehem, we'll ask God to reveal to us how we are called to say “yes” to the coming of Christ in our own lives.
28 sesji
1In the BeginningAs we begin our Advent journey, we'll turn to the opening words of John's gospel and reflect on the light of Christ; the same light that was in the beginning and continues on in our lives today.Day 1 with John the Evangelist6-15 min
2Adam and EveToday, we’ll look at the first glimmer of this light in the salvation story: even in the midst of Adam and Eve’s sin, their story foreshadows the coming of Christ.Day 2 with John the Evangelist5-15 min
3NoahAs we reflect today on God's promises, we’ll continue the salvation story by meditating on the story of God’s covenant with Noah. Day 3 with John the Evangelist5-13 min
4AbrahamPray with our ancestor in faith, Abraham, who responds faithfully to God’s call, even when he doesn’t fully understand and even when what God asks of him feels impossible. Day 4 with John the Evangelist6-13 min
5MosesAs we continue our Advent journey, we'll look to Moses and his whole-hearted response to God's call: "Here I am." His words echo the moment that Emmanuel, God-with-us, steps into our world and says “Here I am. I am here.” Day 5 with John the Evangelist6-15 min
6O Come, O Come EmmanuelEach Saturday this Advent, we'll reflect on a piece of prayerful music. This week, we will listen to an instrumental setting of a familiar Advent hymn, “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel," written by Catholic composer Sean Beeson.
Day 6 with Music6 min
7Sunday ReadingsEach Sunday, we'll meditate on the Gospel reading from Mass. In today’s Gospel, we meet John the Baptist, the prophet who goes ahead of Christ to prepare the way.Day 7 with Matthew5-13 min
8RuthThis week, we'll focus on God's pattern of choosing the unexpected and outcast to bring about His will. We'll begin with the story of Ruth, an outsider who accepts God’s invitation to become part of the story of salvation. Day 8 with Mary Magdalene6-13 min
9DavidReflect today on the story of King David. From shepherd to king, from sinner to redeemed, David’s story is a reminder of God’s faithfulness in response to our own wayward hearts.Day 9 with Mary Magdalene7-14 min
10ElijahToday, we’ll continue on our journey to the nativity as we turn our attention to the prophet Elijah who comes to recognize God in the unexpected.Day 10 with Mary Magdalene5-13 min
11Isaiah Today, we’ll continue our journey with another prophet, Isaiah, who offers us an image of the reign of God to a people who feel forgotten and forsaken. Day 11 with Mary Magdalene6-13 min
12JonahReflect on God’s surprising grace and mercy–a mercy that reaches out even to unexpected recipients like the Ninevites in the story of Jonah.Day 12 with Mary Magdalene6-15 min
13Hope For EveryoneThis Saturday, we’ll listen to a song called "Hope For Everyone" by Matt Maher that continues to build on the theme of allowing God’s mercy to work wonders in our life. Day 13 with Music5 min
14Sunday ReadingsReflect on today's Gospel as Jesus responds to questions about whether he is the promised Messiah by pointing ot the evidence of his miracles: the lame walk, the blind see, the poor receive good news.Day 14 with Matthew5-14 min
15Luke 1As we begin the third week of Advent, we'll reflect on the story of Zechariah who experienced doubt in the face of God’s active and miraculous presence in his life. Day 15 with John the Baptist7-15 min
16AnnunciationAs we prepare our own hearts for Jesus this season, we look to Mary as our mother and guide. Reflect on Mary's whole-hearted "yes" to God's invitation as we meditate on the story of the Annunciation. Day 16 with Mary6-13 min
17VisitationToday, we’ll continue our journey to Christmas with the story of the Visitation; a moment of joy between Mary and Elizabeth as they marvel at God’s faithfulness to them. Day 17 with Mary5-13 min
18MagnificatMary's song of praise is the perfect prayer for our midway point in our journey to Christmas, beautifully and perfectly drawing our hearts to the thread of God’s redeeming work throughout history.Day 18 with Mary5-13 min
19ZechariahAfter meditating with Mary’s Magnificat yesterday, today we’ll hear Zechariah’s own song of praise, and we’ll let his words become our own as we listen.Day 19 with John the Baptist5-14 min
20Ave MariaAs you listen to this setting of "Ave Maria" by Cezary Stoch of the Sistine Chapel Choir, place yourself at the feet of Mary, asking for the grace to say “yes” to Jesus’ invitation to follow him.
Day 20 with Music3 min
21Sunday ReadingsIn today’s reading, we’re introduced to Joseph as a man concerned with doing what is right after finding out his betrothed is with child. Day 21 with Matthew5-13 min
22The JourneyIn this final week of Advent, we'll enter deeper into the mystery of Christ’s birth through imaginative prayer. Meditate today on the journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem as you imagine yourself on the road beside the Holy Family.Day 22 with Mary5-12 min
23InnkeeperWe’ll pray today with an often-overlooked character in the nativity story and reflect on how we can be more open to Christ entering our lives.Day 23 with Mary5-13 min
24ShepherdsImagine hearing the angel say: “To you is born this day…a Savior.” To you: the outcast shepherds, the poor and overlooked. This royal proclamation of the King’s birth is presented first to you. Day 24 with Mary6-13 min
25Wise MenAs we continue to meditate on the nativity through imaginative prayer, we’ll pray today with Herod and the three wise men.Day 25 with Mary5-13 min
26The Christ ChildWe’ve come now at last to the great mystery of God’s wondrous love for us: the child born in Bethlehem - King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Today, we’ll spend time in adoration of the newborn Savior, contemplating the wonder of his birth.Day 26 with Mary5-13 min
27O Holy NightMerry Christmas Eve! Today we'll prepare our hearts to welcome the Christ child as we listen to the song "O Holy Night," performed by Catholic artist Kat Hammock.
Day 27 with Music6 min
28Merry Christmas!Merry Christmas!! We hope this short prayer can help you pause and spend a few minutes with God on this beautiful day.Day 28 4 min