Reform Wellness supports your physical and spiritual well-being in Christ. Their foundational course Reform Online will be offered year-round through rolling admission beginning May 22.
10 sesji
1IntroductionAs a Catholic wellness apostolate, Reform Wellness is dedicated to whole-person wellness with Christ at the center. They are excited to share more about their apostolate in this Invitation to Christ-Centered Wellness with Reform series. Reform Wellness11 min
2FaithIn this session, Reform Wellness shares that to be well, we need to place Jesus at the center of all aspects of our well-being. How we choose to order our lives—especially regarding what we put first—determines everything that comes afterward.Reform Wellness11 min
3SleepToo often we compromise sleep to fit more into our day or to check one more thing off of our list. Here, Reform Wellness discusses how the pillar of sleep is foundational to the well-being of our whole person.Reform Wellness10 min
4Stress ManagementTo find healing in body and soul, it’s essential to reform how we respond to stressors and create a life of simplicity and calm.Reform Wellness10 min
5Functional MovementTo move functionally is to consider the body as a whole, rather than by its parts, and to move in a way that is practical, realistic, and supportive of the body and soul.Reform Wellness9 min
6NutritionAt Reform Wellness, they approach the pillar of nutrition as an invitation to return to whole and real foods and to consider how we can best fuel our bodies to live fully alive.Reform Wellness9 min
7Personal GrowthGod made us each with a universal purpose and a specific purpose, and He’s given us the talents, charisms, and desires to fulfill them. In this session, Reform Wellness discusses how to approach personal growth.Reform Wellness11 min
8PlayWhile the pillar of play may look different in each person’s life, play can be simply defined as the state of being purposeless, fun, and free. Find out more in this session.Reform Wellness9 min
9CommunityThe pillar of Community allows us to reflect the image of God, who, as the Holy Trinity, is a Communion of Persons.Reform Wellness8 min
10SpaceOur culture likes to tell us that more is more—but at Reform Wellness, they believe less is more. Space is about releasing that which is not conducive to our healing so that we can create room to receive God’s will.Reform Wellness12 min