UN’ESCLUSIVA DI HALLOW: Ascolta il nuovo album musicale di Brother Isaiah, disponibile in esclusiva su Hallow. Questo album, intitolato "Mysteries & Medicines" racconta con la musica la storia vocazionale di Brother Isaiah, un frate che vive nel Bronx a New York dell’ordine dei frati francescani del Rinnovamento. In questo album troverai tante sue musiche nuove e alcune sue musiche vecchie riadattate da lui stesso. Queste musiche toccano tanti temi come il pentimento, la misericordia di Dio e la guarigione.
10 sessões
1BlindmanListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
2Lord I've SettledListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
3By Paths UnknownListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
4Little Litany
Listen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship4 min
5ExodusListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
6Mysteries and MedicinesListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
7Before the MysteryListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
8Holy HungerListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min
9SinaiListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship4 min
10NewsongListen and pray with this song from Brother Isaiah's new album "Mysteries & Medicines."Brother Isaiah: Acoustic Worship3 min